going to hell in a hurry

Well, if it was an "Emergency useage", I'd be OK with that.

Otherwise, he just invited some sticky situations (SP big time, i know)

Now can you imagine your daughter coming home saying, the boys wouldn't let me pee by myself, they keep looking in, over, under the stall.

Nice job Arnie, nice job.
QOTE: Further, homecoming kings now can be either male or female – as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.


Arnie, what have you done?
What ever happened to the majority rules?-oh yeah it got replaced with political correctness!-good god the world is ending at this rate lol.
Listen to the pundits or not........your choice.........But like it or not, Governor Arnie has opened Pandora's Box in California.......and every piece of legislation will be tested as to it's possible limits by unscrupulous lawyers and activist minorities........THAT'S the great danger there.

Let's hope that the old saying doesn't fit here......."As California goes, so goes the Nation".

I'm just sad that the America I loved is so rapidly slipping into the sewers of political correctness.............there are already plenty of laws that protect every person in this country (including civil rights laws)........we didn't need more, and especially those that create a new form of discrimination against the majority.

No one should have to lose rights in order for a small group to gain more. America has never worked that way.

I'll say it again guys....(just a little off the subject, but the same principle)........follow your legislative rep's and keep your ears to the ground for any laws that will have an adverse affect on our hobby. They're after our rights too.

Mopar' To Ya' :axe:
Has Arnie lost his friggin mind? How can one say that it is ok, no the law provides, for a elementary school student to use another gender's restroom? Is this not the age when we were playing "doctor" with the girl down the street?
Glad I live here on the "right" side of the country, after the whole $*ithouse goes up in flames we'll be the only ones left.

My son will be thrilled to find out he can use a girls locker room...heh heh he's 6'7" 260 lb.s of testosterone incarnate... and if he wants to call me dad I dare you to tell him otherwise!! But he's been trying to get into that locker room for years!! LOL And my daughters will give them all some insight about their mothers if they try to enforce this crap. I really try to be open minded but really Arnie and his crew are not going to make my children into victims of a totally sickening, immoral and base administration. I am moving to hawaii in 12 months, Lord willing.
I don't even want to imagine this!!:sad3: If I read it right:scratch:
Unreal to me and the folks around here
would not let little boys
in the same rest room or any where that privet with little girls.
Nun less a 15 year old!!!!!!! that is crazy to me.

But you have to remember I am a hillbilly that don't know any better.:wack:
I don't even want to imagine this!!:sad3: If I read it right:scratch:
Unreal to me and the folks around here
would not let little boys
in the same rest room or any where that privet with little girls.
Nun less a 15 year old!!!!!!! that is crazy to me.

But you have to remember I am a hillbilly that don't know any better.:wack:

Mike I was born in CA, my Dad is a Batptist minister, I could not take a lot of the weirdness and had 3 issues that also cost me my life So Cal gangs broke into our office at gun point) so after 40 years, so I moved 8 years ago to NW Wyoming. Much better!

Not even guards i nthe bank and men are still men and proud of it!

I hear ya!
Glad you found a humble home place djwhog.:salut:
I could not imagine living in that kind of wourld.
That could be why I picked Northeast Arkansas
to raise my family and my self. :thumbrig:

WE made a good choice:toothy4:
he should have stuck to making movies! this is real life and people he is screwing up now, not movie props and actors:sad3:
I,ll be glad when Cali and all its alternative lifestyle fall off in the ocean :happy3:
While I personally think this is political correctness gone a bit too far last time I checked the United States had some slightly more pressing issues to worry about. IE: 80 + dollar a barrel oil (google search peak oil for more on that) ,tanking US dollar, huge trade deficits, national debt over 9 trillion dollars, endless quagmire in Iraq costing us 10 billion a month, tens of millions with no health care, illegal immigration, weakening economy,roads and bridges and basic infastructure going to hell, outsourcing ect ect. Not to mention the global issue of climate change but I am sure there are plenty of deniers here on that one so lets just pretend its not a problem. Oh and how about all those jihadists who want to hit us? But hey who am I to nitpick about that small stuff when obviously we need to be focused on persecuting those filthy homosexuals ! Hey I have a great idea, lets get some high profile righteous, holier than thou Christian conservatives like Larry Craig and Ted Haggard for example to petition the Gov. to reverse his decision. Praise Jebus !!!
QOTE: Further, homecoming kings now can be either male or female – as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.


Arnie, what have you done?


I guess these transgendered kids made a conscious decision when it came to how the neurons in their brains got wired up too huh?

I guess these transgendered kids made a conscious decision when it came to how the neurons in their brains got wired up too huh?

Is the homosexual neuron is right between the “pedophile neuron” and the “serial killer neuron”?
I don’t have the answer to that.
But I know a “Pandora’s box” when I see one.

The gay rights activist have objected to prenatal testing for a homosexual gene.
(If in fact there is one).
On the grounds that parents might abort the child.
All of a sudden the Christian conservatives and the filthy homosexuals are on the same side.
Well actually that study was on transgenered people, not homosexuals. Looking at the article it stated gay men had basically the same levels of somatostatin neurons as strait men. Given humans have around 30,000 genes scientists have a lot to cover before they can determine for sure sexual orientation is undoubtedly linked to DNA. There is some evidence but nothing pinned down yet.

I personally dont see how you can compare what two consenting adults do with each other in the privacy of their own bedroom vs molesting a child or brutally murdering somebody. Gay people or transsexuals for that matter are not inflicting harm on others. Having said that I personally do not believe pedophiles consciously choose to be aroused by children. I am sure ill take some heat for this but I actually feel sorry for them. Many of them were probably molested themselves as children which caused physcological issues thus leading to their sexual urges. This in my opinion is similar to the way some people have fetishes (foot, balloons, spanking) Exposure to these things at a young age acts as a kind of imprinting in the wiring of their brains and somehow someway was associated with sexuality. Serial killers are a totally different subject but again, having a troubled childhood can be associated to at least an extent to this phenomenon. Maybe genetics too.. I personally have no idea.

I guess these transgendered kids made a conscious decision when it came to how the neurons in their brains got wired up too huh?

Seriously now...

I don't know anything about neurons, or trangendered people. Homecoming queens that are guys, and kings that are girls. Or teenagers changing with confused members of the opposite sex. I'm glad my kids are grown up, and won't be subjected to this type of thing in school. If you're okay with it, who am I to argue?

It should have been left alone. Why should the majority be openly subjected to alternative lifestyles at a young age?

If they're adults, they can do what they want, it doesn't affect me. I really don't care.

Just my thoughts.
Well actually that study was on transgenered people, not homosexuals. Looking at the article it stated gay men had basically the same levels of somatostatin neurons as strait men. Given humans have around 30,000 genes scientists have a lot to cover before they can determine for sure sexual orientation is undoubtedly linked to DNA. There is some evidence but nothing pinned down yet.

I personally dont see how you can compare what two consenting adults do with each other in the privacy of their own bedroom vs molesting a child or brutally murdering somebody. Gay people or transsexuals for that matter are not inflicting harm on others. Having said that I personally do not believe pedophiles consciously choose to be aroused by children. I am sure ill take some heat for this but I actually feel sorry for them. Many of them were probably molested themselves as children which caused physcological issues thus leading to their sexual urges. This in my opinion is similar to the way some people have fetishes (foot, balloons, spanking) Exposure to these things at a young age acts as a kind of imprinting in the wiring of their brains and somehow someway was associated with sexuality. Serial killers are a totally different subject but again, having a troubled childhood can be associated to at least an extent to this phenomenon. Maybe genetics too.. I personally have no idea.

O.K.,you went and made me take notice,in one sentence you say that its not a big deal when something involves two adults in private,then you say you think that alot of peoples sexual tendencies and or perversions are shaped when they are children right?.Do you see how hipocritical your stements are when were talking about a measure that involes a.children b.PUBLIC not PRIVATE schools wich are funded by tax dollars C.A law wich is solely about empowering a minority of people to express themseve sexually any way they want-and again in a public place with our children.This is the blindness that allows these laws to pass,if certain people would put logic before emotion this country would be in a much better place.BTW,just what do you think shapes a countries overall condition?,It starts with its peoples values!.
At first I had to look over the page real close again to be sure it wasn't some hoax or sick joke. The whole idea is just so freaking wrong for all the reasons people with clear-thinking minds have mentioned above.

I guess one of the problems with a free society like ours is it's too easy for small interest groups to gain an inordinate level of influence. The playing field just doesn't seem to be very level anymore. Broadcast media and the Internet enable propoganda and misinformation to hold sway in the minds of impressionable imbeciles than cannot think for themselves.

F^ck them all.
Yep, that was my 1st instinct - some kind of hoax or sick joke. Which is basically what that worlnet daily web site amounts to: an ultra right wing propoganda outlet.
That was pretty much my first impression of the worldnet daily web site as well...I thought it rather odd that they had links to other "over zealous religous websites" but convienantly had no links to the ca.gov site so people could read the legislation themselves....Hmmmm????
I personally dont see how you can compare what two consenting adults do with each other in the privacy of their own bedroom vs molesting a child or brutally murdering somebody. Gay people or transsexuals for that matter are QUOTE]

Number one: It doesn't “stay in the bed room”. That’s the whole problem.

Number two: A man and his mother could have sex in their own bed room.
Well, if they are consenting.
And adults.
But I'm not sure if that would be such a good thing.

Number three: It’s not so much a comparison but a correlation.
If any one is genetic, the others follow.
I’m not making a judgment. It is just logical.
(Though some people would say pedophilia is a comparison.)
im going to stir the pot a bit..

lets say i need to pick up one of my children at the local high school today. just as i get there i feel a need to relieve my self and im feeling kind of feminine today, so i decide to use the girls restroom instead of the mens, maybe get a little look at the pretty little girls. is that ok? sure it is.
1st this is a public building and im a member of the public,
2nd i have a right to be there because i have to pick up my kid,
3rd they cant keep my out due to my age as that would be age discrimination, and discrimination is a big no-no
4th for that matter why not any publicly owned buildings restroom?
where does it stop?