Gone but not forgotten!!!

Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Covington, Georgia
I got this idea from another site I visit and I thought it was great.

Someone who has passed is not truly gone if you remember them so who do you want to remember? Share their name with us. It can be anyone.

My #1 is my dad, Dewey Stephens, who taught me to love cars, guitars, and life.

Dewey M. Stephens
07-20-1928 to 6-11-2003

Also, the greatest guitar player to ever plug in a Stratocaster, Stevie Ray Vaughan!
I'll add....

Brian Potter an amazing friend in high school and after. Died of colon cancer at age 27. Loved anything to do with cars. had owned over 30 cars before he passed on. Didnt matter the make or model... he was passionate about old iron. He did have a 1968 Coronet bone stock and real nice....amongst many others.

Drive on...

Donna Slater !! my Mom.:cheers::angel9:
Singer and song writer when she was not raising three boys on her own.

Look up "Alley records" and or type in here name.
The coolest mom ever.[-o<
My great grandma Jennie Cook. Or to many including me she was known as Mom. Like memike's Mom she was a singer and songwriter. She raised 3 generations. First my grandma then my dad and his brothers and sister then me. While she was raising my Dad and siblings she started several brush arbor churches in southeastern MO. She never had a dime to her name but she was worth more than mere money. She taught me right from wrong. I didn't always listen when I was a kid but I remember everything she taught me now and consider myself lucky to have had her as my Mom. She's been gone for over 9 yrs. now dancing with the angels but I still think about her all the time.

Thanks for the great thread idea franktiregod
Robert Glen Johnson
April 8, 1931 - September 21, 2006

Without his love, guidance, encouragement and support, I'd be a mere fraction of the woman I am today and probably would've grown up being a girly girl instead of jes' lookin like one. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him.

Dad, I miss you. :angel7:
Thanks for the great thread idea franktiregod

It wasnt my idea. I stole it. But I did think it was a great one.

So am I to believe that on one else here has lost anyone?

Come on guys, you wont be considered weak if you post. The site I got this idea from is a biker site. And I dont think those guys are weak.
Their thread went on for pages and included not only family members but celebrities as well.

Thanks to those who have posted. A prayer is sent your way for your losses.
MY Wife's little brother Anthony David Rossi.

Died on our honeymoon while he was showing off for his friends on a street bike at age 18.

I told him not to ride the bike on the street until it was titled and he was liscenced, and I begged his Mom in the first place not to get it for him, but she thought she was doing something nice for him.

He was a typical abused kid that never had a good role model for a Father but only received beating after beating from his tyrant Dad who did not know how to love his own family because he was raised the same way.

I think he is the reason my Wife and I got into fosteriing and adopting kids.

Two things that could drive me to the edge.
People that abuse women, and people that abuse/ corrupt children.

My Wife almost lost her little brother Matthew to a car/bus accident that left him with a serious brain injury just two years after her older brother's death.
Now, her sister is doing a 15 year sentence for two DWI deaths from partying in the car with "friends."
We begged and pleaded, tried to reason with her for years about her drug use, but she insisted she was an adult and had everything in control.
The only good thing about her sister is she's off the streets and I don't have to threaten any more seedy individuals that she would bring around her Mom's place.
I am sorry to hear that.

Most here dont know that my son is currently in a coma due to a bike wreck.

On June 2, he was riding a wheelie in excess of 80 mph, lost control, and hit a tree. he has been in a coma since and the doctors say he isnt going to recover. So I can really feel your pain!

Thanks again for the post. They are in my prayers.
Larry bowers Sr. 11-27-1939- 1-01-07

My father, and the main reason that I love mopars to this day. we built my first Dart together when I was 15. We kept working on it together until about a year before he passed and wasnt healthy enough to work on cars anymore. But we would still talk about what we were going to do to my Dart. Ive had this car more than 18 years, and will never get rid of it. I think of him everyday. At the funeral I gave him an extra set of keys to the dart. Well ride together again someday.
Franktiregod, I am one of the "most" who didn't know that about your son. My heart and prayers go out to you and him, and I wish I could say something to make it easier for you to endure.

Larry ... the extra set of keys for your dad made me cry on my peanut butter toast. I don't know if your pain or my own caused it, or whether it was just from reading these tributes and knowing how it all feels. My dad (the reason I'm a car chick today) never got to see my car once after it was restored but was always there to offer advice and encouragement over the phone from Colorado.

Keep these memories coming! Though it's realllllllly hard to put feelings into words, it's a good thing and helps keep these people we still love and miss so much alive in our hearts.
I would have to drink a lot of booze to post here as it is a very long list. My condolences to all.
Franktiregod, I am one of the "most" who didn't know that about your son. My heart and prayers go out to you and him, and I wish I could say something to make it easier for you to endure.

Thank you. He is MY hero. He is a great kid and a parents dream. He spent a year in Iraq and had just come home when he had the wreck.

Larry, that was great about the spare set of keys. I always wear a flag pin on my shirt and, at my dads funeral, I took my flag off and put it on him.

My last Mopar before my dad pased was my Valiant. He was a Ford man but every time I drove my Valiant to his house, I would see him walking around it and rubbing it. He said, "I like that little car."

When he got to the point that it was hard for him to get up, I knew I had better get a picture of him with my car so I did. I wouldnt take the world for that picture. My dad passed three weeks after it was taken.
I am sorry to hear that.

Most here dont know that my son is currently in a coma due to a bike wreck.

On June 2, he was riding a wheelie in excess of 80 mph, lost control, and hit a tree. he has been in a coma since and the doctors say he isnt going to recover. So I can really feel your pain!

Thanks again for the post. They are in my prayers.


Sorry to hear that, I'm sure his unit is hurting from the news as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me as I have been through head injury 101 with my brother in law.
They told us he would never recover too, but the coma was induced by the doctors and he stayed thast way for a couple months until they let him come out of it.
It was really scary watching him slowly wake up to his surroundings, and he spent many weeks just staring a hole through you, but he slowly recovered to the point where he is now 30 years old and has motor skill problems, and short term meomry problems, but he is still the same old, funny Matty and he truly inspires everyone with his great attitude.
He sure can put a lump in your throat when he stands up at church and tells of all the things he's thankful for with his funny, slurred speech.
But he is truly the happiest person I know.
My hart and prayer's are working hard for you and your son Franktiregod.
I have had my younger son air lifted two time in 14 months
Almost lost him twice. I was on my knee's begging for help.
I wish I could find the words to ease your hart and mind.

I pray.
My kind, caring and loving mother (Mon) that passed from this life on June 2nd of this year. This has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to deal with and I just do not know want to do or which way to turn.
I am sorry to hear that.

Most here dont know that my son is currently in a coma due to a bike wreck.

On June 2, he was riding a wheelie in excess of 80 mph, lost control, and hit a tree. he has been in a coma since and the doctors say he isnt going to recover. So I can really feel your pain!

Thanks again for the post. They are in my prayers.

I'm very sorry to hear this Franktiregod. I'll tell my wife about it and we'll join in prayer for his healing, and your peace of mind. No matter what the doctors say they don't know everything so just because they said he'll never recover don't accept it. If you notice doctors "practice" medicine so that means they don't know everything. Have hope in what Jesus did on the cross not only to save us from our sins but also to heal the sick. We'll be praying they're wrong and he'll recover.
can it be anything??? i havnt lost anyone in my life thats been close to me but i did lose my dog this March. i know its not a someone but he was like family to me. i had him for 14 years. i grew up with him. he tought me so many things without me knowing it. i loved that dog with all my heart. kept me safe and kept me happy. my brother put him down in March without telling me. worst decision that dumbass ever made. i still havnt gotten over it. it helps to talk bout it tho.. i love you and will never forget you. Doc 94 - March 08. rest in peace buddy
Sheesh. There's not the time or the space to write about all the people gone from my life. It was tough growing up... drugs, gangs, car crashes, motorcycles, knives, guns, etc.

But the one person that I really miss, the one I think about every day, the one that I'd like to have just an hour with to sit and chat and see what he thinks of what I've done with my life and how I turned out is my father, who's been gone for more than 20 years.
Good posts! And yes dogs count too. I mentioned on another thread that mine has been gone several years and I still grieve for him.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my son. Prayers are sent right back at you!
Resurrecting this old thread today, September 21, 2010.

RIP dad ... It's been four years but seems like a couple hundred. I still miss you and always will.
H.R. Golden. My grandfather. He got his first job at 7 working in a textile mill, by 13 he was providing sole suport for his mother and 4 older sisters. He grew up in the depression, fought in WWII and taught me that making something yourself ALWAYS beats the hell out of buying it. He also taught me that there is nothing more valuable than a childs happiness, any child. He was my grandfather and friend, but he was Grandps Golden to hundreds of kids, younger and older than me.
Resurrecting this old thread today, September 21, 2010.

RIP dad ... It's been four years but seems like a couple hundred. I still miss you and always will.

And it's a good thread to resurrect, Leanna. Thank you.

I'd like to post a few who have had a profound effect on me.

Katherine Carr, born 2/11/03, died 2/11/03. She may have lived briefly but she touched a lot of lives, especially her mother's and me.

Cyrus Carr, my grandfather. His influence lives on today with my dad, who is a great influence on me.