good news and bad news



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Scott, Kansas
Good news is, I got my DL so I can drive, bad news is the front seal in my tranny is bad so the fluid leaks out, so I can't drive.
More good news, I got a job at a factory paying pretty close to ten an hour, for kansas that is pretty good. Does anyone know anything about windshield wiper gaskets?? Every time it rains the interior starts to fill up with water.
Gonna say congrats on the job! Been since April of '09 and I'm still looking.

As for the wipers, sounds like maybe the pivot seals are bad.
Thank you both for kind words and helping me, I get the last of the tranny stuff tomorrow and I am with out car for a while. It will be worth it later though. :p
Congrats on the DL and job,they kinda go hand in hand.Get yer tranny all fixed up before driving it.Trust me,I know.LOL