Got my paint!!



live free or die
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weare,New Hampshire
Well tomarrows the big day! I bought my paint last night and plan on spraying inside everything as well as jambs and under trunk and hood. Can't wait! Then The body will be next.Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get snowed out Monday.and will have another paint day...Wish me luck!:cheers:
awesome! i bet your really pumped to get started, when i get a new part or have something to do i act like a little kid before christmas, good luck and hope it flows nicely for you!
I have 1 head lefto to put together tomarrow,then i can jump on the engine compartment getting it ready to paint.Maybe get it painted tomarrow night,so i can set the motor in it sunday to see what it looks like?Maybe,but my lucks not usually that good
Never mind - I jut saw one of your older posts Hemi Orange COOOLLLL

BTW - If you have not gotten your stripes yet, PM or email me. I can probably save you a few bucks...
=D>Well other than the clear coat The inside is Hemi Orange. An yes thats me the painter. Excited??? YOU BET! Just thought you'd all like to see some action photos.:cheers:

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What kind of paint is it?
Do you lay down a mist coat first, or just put it down?

I ask because I painted my truck in 2006 with enamel base/urethane clear, and if I didn't put down a tack coat first the paint would seperate on the panels. I hated doing it that way, but I didn't have a choice.

Your car looks as though you really took your time doing it, and it looks professional as though you haven't cut any corners. Thats the kind of job that will look beautiful once it is finished.
Best of Luck with the car, and keep the paint pix coming!

I wish I was able to get shots of paint actually hitting my car when it was sprayed. Please keep those pictures coming! In-progress pictures are a favorite of not only me, but a large protion of our membership. And it looks like your doing a real nice job.

Hemi Orange Duster. Ummm...yum! :cheers:
Are you using a HVLP gun? I will be trying out that system when I shoot the body of my Dart, (I'm a little aprehensive). You look lke you have the situation well in hand. More pic's

Yes its a hvlp gun I only bought it when I started this project. Came with 4 tips for different paints. Yes I like it. I'm using a basecoat urethane paint and high solids clearcoat .Silkens paint.Flows nice.
Put car together today.started to wet sand again to get the overspray off.learned another lesson there..... More pic's to come.
Well as hoped I got snowed out today...So I painted.
Put it together yesterday and wet sanded one more time.
Your seeing the first stroke of paint and the last bit.
Got three coats on now I'll sand a bit then one more before the clearcoat.

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:snakeman:i love hemi orange, you puting stripes on it?
Yes I am .Ordered them today from Challengergary. And my 4 speed is here now so it'll soon go in .still waiting on the engine.
I put 3 coats of paint wet sanded it with 1000 then one more coat. I just finished the clearcoat too I sprayed 5 coats of clear on. Hope she looks as good in the morning as she did tonight.(that sounds familar).

It wasn't near as bad as the camera showed when I was spraying clear.

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That is where I got it . Many Thanks to you!!! He set me up with everything but a shifter. I still need one of those. Any Ideas???

hmm, he did have a shifter, but it was an abody aftermarket shifter. I think it was on an OD abody four speed but cant remember, he must of sold it. The guy who ported my cyliner heads in mitchell has alot of mopar abody stuff, ill ask him if he has a shifter, otherwise im sure someone on this sites got one lying around somewhere, good luck
That's looking really good, wyoduster. Great job. You must be getting excited seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. :)
Yes but it seems like a dim light......I do fell like the BIG job is over tho. Now all the fun stuff. Sanding is not fun to me.:hippy2:
Is this your first time painting ? I'm trying to get up the "noive" - I've done everything but base/clear - all my bodywork, primers, blocking, sealing, etc. I'm skeered to shoot color - but being the body guy (freebie) shot silver 4 weeks ago (Nason) and royally screwed it up (tiger stripes/mottled)- I've got it all 800'd and thinking I'll shoot my own solid color. If you want it done right ........
Is this your first time painting ? I'm trying to get up the "noive" - I've done everything but base/clear - all my bodywork, primers, blocking, sealing, etc. I'm skeered to shoot color - but being the body guy (freebie) shot silver 4 weeks ago (Nason) and royally screwed it up (tiger stripes/mottled)- I've got it all 800'd and thinking I'll shoot my own solid color. If you want it done right ........

I admire you for taking the painting and body work on yourself. I asked a auto painter (he's good) about painting my car and he said it would take around 5 months and it would cost $5 to $6 thousand to paint it.