


Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
I have my car for sale on Racing junk all trade for a A body and I get messages for trade on Mustangs and other Camaro's no nearly nice as mine.I just don't answer them. What a bunch of Morons.... Bitching over............
I think as a whole the world is full of bone heads. Sold a bike years ago. In the ad I put no trades. Seemed like just about every call was someone wanting to trade. One guy wanted to trade me a truck he claimed was worth 15k for my bike that I had listed for $3500. Changed the ad to read will accept a trade of money for title, did not help....
People will always try for a trade since cash is harder to come by. Even if you put in bold large print, no trades, they'll try and trade. Also, remember, they think your a fool, they'll say there car is mint and not the rust/bondo bucket junk on 4 rolling wheels it really is and then try and talk you into something absurd if possible just to be a dick for no other reason than just to be a dick with obscene rants of how your car is in deep need of something, as well as them saying something stupid like, your ball joint is worn, it'll cost me *** hundred to fix it, take it off the price of the car .... and other such idiot things as well as retarded offerings and shyster idea's like your a complete idiot.

In a nutshell, what else is new?
Well it is a chevy i will trade ya my barracuda lol just kidding ... i posted my old val 4 door one time b4 the crash i even said for trade ... and all i got was guys telling me to crush it scrap it and mean things im in mopars noone like them just crush it so at least ur geting some thing better then i did lol
I got 6 offers but don't think people know what a A body is plus they have crap to trade

I guess the think I'm Obammy and I'm gonna take care of them
My son has an 04 GTO with 30k original miles and a few "tweaks". He wanted to trade it for a Subaru STI at a used car lot that had 60k miles.

"The salesman said that he would trade me even." said my son.

I said, "Yea, that is because your GTO is worth more than the STI. Duh."

Then I lit into him with the "Your a spoiled little brat. You have an 04 GTO and a 11 Shelby GT 500 and you still aren't happy??? Any one of your friend would give their left nut for just ONE of those cars! Just be happy with what you have and quit wanting more... I have told you many times that I WILL NOT BUY A JAP CAR WITH MY MONEY... Get a job and save your money if you want/need it that badly. And get to know the neighbors real well so they will let you park it in their driveway, as it will not be parked in mine."

End of story.

Yeah, they always want to trade even when yours is worth much more than theirs.
My son has an 04 GTO with 30k original miles and a few "tweaks". He wanted to trade it for a Subaru STI at a used car lot that had 60k miles.

"The salesman said that he would trade me even." said my son.

I said, "Yea, that is because your GTO is worth more than the STI. Duh."

Then I lit into him with the "Your a spoiled little brat. You have an 04 GTO and a 11 Shelby GT 500 and you still aren't happy??? Any one of your friend would give their left nut for just ONE of those cars! Just be happy with what you have and quit wanting more... I have told you many times that I WILL NOT BUY A JAP CAR WITH MY MONEY... Get a job and save your money if you want/need it that badly. And get to know the neighbors real well so they will let you park it in their driveway, as it will not be parked in mine."

End of story.

Yeah, they always want to trade even when yours is worth much more than theirs.

I like the way you think.