Gryzynx 1 Grim reaper 0



Senior Moment
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
I am a fortunate man.

Some may have noticed I have not been very active in the past year or so. The reason is that my health has been failing. Sleep apnea and general fatigue/depression have been taking their toll. Easter weekend, I fell victim to a sore throat that just did not get better. By Easter Sunday, I was in the hospital emergency with breathing difficulties. Sent home after a throat swap and painkillers, I fought this thru till Tuesday when my doctor's office opened. Tests were ordered including a soft tissue xray, and my doctor found some unexplainable swelling under my tongue. Visual inspection revealed nothing, but my voice was starting to drown and that is a danger sign. I was ordered back to the emergency ward and I was air ambulanced into Vancouver to see an ENT specialist. CT scan revealed a vallecular cyst 5 cm in diameter on the back of my tongue. That's a pool ball stuck in your throat. 2 hours of surgery later, I am a new man. I feel 20 years younger. I can breath thru my nose and fill my lungs for the first time in years. Apparantly, this cyst was noted 15 years ago during a different procedure and was deemed to not be a problem at the time.

I am, of course, overjoyed by this development and just wanted to share the good news.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have some Barracuda's to build.
Well in not sure what all that means .But i got that ur better and thats good news ... Good to have ya back !
Wow, that's scary. What a relief to have the cyst removed and your life back.
Thats a wild ride you went thru.It's always good to kick the reaper's tail.
This is some great news to hear today :cheers: Welcome back to life :happy1:
Prayers of thanks to your doctors :thumblef:
Wow.. I cant say I've ever heard of that. Good thing they were able to not only diagnose it, but remove it successfully. Sleep apnea can really knock the hell out of you, so it is not surprising how much better you feel with that issue resolved.

BTW, Are you not an ex-Manitoban? Also, do you know a couple of brothers out there originally from Winnipeg? Buick GSes maybe?

Good news..... now get your arse in gear and build that Barracuda.