Guess my ET

Glad to hear that you made it without any problems Steve.
$550 in fuel
6 Dumps
13 coffees
Wud someone PLEASE pass this brother a freakin GUN when he goes through whatever in the hell that was with all the deer to chase 'em to me, OR him kill atleast 3 and mail them express mail!? LOL

Steve, by the time you see this message, you'll be home!

How many miles was total trip from point A (start) to your Home (destination) ?
So Im home!! Surprised Lori, she was just getting home, so timing was perfect...Landed at 7 pm Ontario time, and was under the dash of her car by 702 trying to figger out why her brake lights no workee!!.......I will figger out fool mileage math not so good right now LOL. But total miles was 2060..
Thanks all for keeping me company! Time for some us time! LOL
Glad to see you made it , now time to put the popsicle sticks and rubber bands to work buddy , talk at ya in a day or two lol !
LOL, thanks all for the kind words AND the funnies! It sure helped on the drive to link up to the wifi at Tims and see the responses...LOL

Coffees totaled 16
1 tea
Total dumps was 2...pi$$ breaks equaled out to 2 per coffee LOL 32
Wardrobe malfunctions 0(Im surprised, but I did bring my own ****-tickets and wetnaps just in case)
2 wardrobe changes
2 bagels
4 Mcdoubles
2 Junior chickens
4 Sausage Mcmuffins with egg
2 hashbrowns
1 bowl of soup
1 sub

So the total mileage was 2060 miles
$$ on fuel was $519.04
Litres was 382.87= 84.22 gallons
So I figgered the mileage out and Im surprised it works out to 24.5 MPG!! WTH?? Not a hiccup nuthin with the Ford. Only thing was the heat shield rattling the whole frickin way!! God almighty does that get annoying QUICK!!

Lori had no clue that I got a head start on her. She called me when she got home as her brake lights were I was talking to her on the phone trying to walk her thru checking them when I came home. She was surprised and in tears! I would do the drive again in a heartbeat if I could make her that happy again!

Thanks all
Steve, that makes it all worth while! over 2000 mile and nuthin but a damned rattle. that in itself is pretty good! Specially with a 4 lettered, F-Word for wheels!
Steve, that makes it all worth while! over 2000 mile and nuthin but a damned rattle. that in itself is pretty good! Specially with a 4 lettered, F-Word for wheels!

Yep, its been an awesome truck, over 300k kms on it. Most surprising was the MPG! It was on cruise quite often, but at night I took the autopilot off.
I have ta say I never really cared for "autopilot" myself, I always drove long distance by my own power. sadly that might be from all the long hours on the road over the years, my Wife still comments on that. As she likes the autopilot so. but, nahhhh to me its safer driven by mah own foot weight.....
LOL, thanks all for the kind words AND the funnies! It sure helped on the drive to link up to the wifi at Tims and see the responses...LOL

Coffees totaled 16
1 tea
Total dumps was 2...pi$$ breaks equaled out to 2 per coffee LOL 32
Wardrobe malfunctions 0(Im surprised, but I did bring my own ****-tickets and wetnaps just in case)
2 wardrobe changes
2 bagels
4 Mcdoubles
2 Junior chickens
4 Sausage Mcmuffins with egg
2 hashbrowns
1 bowl of soup
1 sub

So the total mileage was 2060 miles
$$ on fuel was $519.04
Litres was 382.87= 84.22 gallons
So I figgered the mileage out and Im surprised it works out to 24.5 MPG!! WTH?? Not a hiccup nuthin with the Ford. Only thing was the heat shield rattling the whole frickin way!! God almighty does that get annoying QUICK!!

Lori had no clue that I got a head start on her. She called me when she got home as her brake lights were I was talking to her on the phone trying to walk her thru checking them when I came home. She was surprised and in tears! I would do the drive again in a heartbeat if I could make her that happy again!

Thanks all

Well at least my guess of $510.38 and 367.185 liters was pretty close.