Guess where the stimulus money/Jobs are going?

I know I am but this just gets me so pissed off when I hear of people who are struggling to feed their children and have been looking for jobs for God know's how long now and to see this bull !^%*. This is just wrong.

My job (that I lost) has officially been shipped over seas. I just got qualified under the Trade Act Agreement, for Government funded "Retraining".

Two years of unemployment (where I don't need too looking for a job) but I do need to be going to school full time (which all of you will be paying for).

It would be much easer if the jobs would just stay in America but America as we know it is dead.
I just think we need to keep voting out every incumbent, regardless of party, until they get the message and start listening to us and doing what is right for us, not for themselves.

Career politicians are the problem, and we are the only solution.
why dont we all just move to china and let them have this country there handing it over to them anyways
It is all about Free Trade. As long as we continue too have Free Trade we will continue the slide into becoming a 2nd world country.

Don't fool yourselves……. If your $2X an hour job can be done over seas for $2 a day it is just a matter of time before your job is gone.

For example my job……. We would make x-product then we would convert x-product for consumer use.

Then it went to….. We would make x-product, it would be shipped to China for conversion then shipped back for consumer use. (The reduction in American labor cost would allow 2 trips across the Pacific at increased profit).

Now the entire process is done in China.
Maybe we should all become politicians. They dont seem to be losing any of their jobs!
I have recently lost my job 3 times to plant closures here in Michigan. They went to Mexico. 2 of these since 2008. I have been certified for TAA three times in my life. (that might be somewhere close to a record) I am a batchelor's college educated engineer that ended up in quality control. The last time a plant closed I ended March 31st 2009 and started a new job April 1st 2009 at a 40% pay cut to work for a company owned and run by the Chinese. I could have turned it down and received unemployment and training according to their rules but I want to work. I am very upset with the country allowing work to go elsewhere and let the workers pay to "help" the hard workers that get left behind. I hate where I work and who I am helping but I have to work to keep us living. Don't even get me started on the fact that I have paid every house payment to keep a roof over my family even though I could have walked away and bought a nice A body. It doesn't pay to be responsible as my dad taught me these days.....Argh!
I think demacrats and liberals mean well,you know they are trying to save the earth from us conservative evil doers so a little blood shed for the short term is alright as long as there long term agendas are met
This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It is a Government issue. Our Government has been sold.

Give it another 10 years and the only jobs left will be service jobs. Do you want cheese on that burger?
I guess I will wake up tomorrow at 5:00am and drive 75 miles to work in my 15mpg american made truck to make just enough to pay my house payment, bills and a couple hundred extra a month for the Chinese. I bought new american made tires for my truck last month and it cost me all my spending money for the do I stay out of Walmart and pay 5 cents a gallon more for gas......please tell me so I quit sending jobs overseas. Dammit I went to school for 4 years after high school so I didn't have to make these decisions.
I think that report is false. Its being reported by a left wing news organization & we know how they slant the news. LOL
I`ve read about this elsewhere. In the rush to push through that stimulus plan in a crumbling economy Congress failed to include a provision that would keep the bulk of the production here in the states. There was supposed to be huge tax breaks for companies that kept their business stateside versus outsourcing. Evidently the incentives and tax breaks are still not valuable enough to prevent companies from outsourcing. The more I hear of the stimulus money and where it`s been going, the more disgusted I am with it.
I,d like to take that c#cksucker that buys from the Chinese here in Tx. and beat the crap out of him.
If your in texas than you should know about A.J. down in austin.If not check out and prison If you want to educate yourself and try to save the constitution and bill of rights keep threads like this going.WE THE PEOPLE need to send a message NO MORE TAX MONEY can be used to make the rich richer while you and me get poorer and poorer.We need an american party not republican or democratic oligarchy.God bless what we have left of the U.S.If you give up liberty for security you dont desrve either.Quote from what founding father?