Guys Im sick....



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2004
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O.K,here goes...

Some of you may have noticed from time to time,I get kinda disagreeable.

In Dec of 08 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis,or M.S.

I wont go into details. If you need to know more just google it.

One of the more informaitve shows I've seen about this disease was an Oprah show with Montel williams as guest.He has M.S too and is no longer able to host his show.

Im off work and on reduced wages from our sick leave program.

I get wiped out from walking 100 yards. It makes me cry,because Im an avid hunter.

Recently had what the docs refer to as an excaserbation (spelling?). Almost lost my ability to walk,and now my legs are very weak.

Last week I wanted to change the door lock in my legs were shaking so hard I fell down. I persisted and got it done,but legs were so sore and weak next day I couldn't stand up.

I dont know how Im ever gonna get this Dart done. I no longer have the strength,only the dream. Perhaps its not even a dream any more,but just a fantasy.

I can still drive,thnak the lord. That means I can drive my daughter to her skating ,and manage the short walk to a seat so I can watch her.

I havent told my kids yet. Im afraid it will break thier hearts,as I am very close. They are my best friends, and I love them more than anything.

I have to go now ,and wipe my face off...
Man, I feel for you. I work in a research lab at Oregon Health & Science University, and the work we are focusing on is MS, as well as other autoimmune diseases. I hope your doctor is taking good care of you; there are a number of different drugs out there that help a lot of people. Our lab has a drug in FDA clinical trial right now that seems very promising to stop nerve degeneration, and may even help to recover function. It will be a few years before we know, though. But there are dozens of other labs working hard on this as well. I wish you the best!
I'm deeply sorry to hear that, I've watched a couple friends go through the various stages of that and it was very hard on me, I can only imagine how hard it was for them and their families. I wish you all the best and hope somehow it progresses very slowly or they find a cure. I don't know how old your kids are but if it was me I would let them know. When I was diagnosed with cancer I sat everyone down and let them know, I survived but there was no guarentee so I wanted them to be able to come to terms with the possibility. Take care
Sorry to hear about your situation. I am glad you told us of it. I personally feel that telling your family will be better now then in the long run. They will start to notice that you may not be your normal self. While I cant fully understand what you are going through I think if it were me I would tell the people close to me. Support from family and friends in a time of need is a amazing thing.

best of luck in all..


Wow, I'm sorry man. I dont think I would be able to tell my daughter either. That would be real hard. But I also think that she would notice something was wrong after a while too. Hang in there as best you can. I had a friend that ended up getting MS. It was hard for her too.
That sucks. That's a tough thing to share with people. A very close friend of mine has it also. He manages it with medication but he seems to often be in denial about it. We wish he'd take better care of himself sometimes.

Keep your head up, try to stay positive though it must be difficult.
Sorry to hear this. My step father in law had this. It's a ruff one. My best to you and yours during this time.
Where are you located?
Keep your dreams and I pray that you have folks around you that can be with you and help you along with them. Sorry to here this.
Wow man. I don't even know you, and I got a tear in my eye. I will pray for you.
Also, I believe the best thing you can do when ill, is to enjoy yourself, is there anything you wanted to do that you have time now?
My prayers are with you brother. Try to get to a good medical center as there are many different drugs to try and see what works best for you. There is also a large support group in these centers. Hope and pray for slow progession. Also apply for social security disability immediately.
I too am praying for you and your family. Thank you for telling us, there's a whole lot of us out here for support. Try to stay positive, as difficult as that can be, and pay no attention to statistics. Nothing says you can't be the exception. Without going into details, I am familiar with your situation. Trust me, you need your family and they need you to share your need for them, if you follow what I mean. Imagine if a family member kept their illness from you. I apologize if I'm speaking out of turn; just offering my thoughts. Maybe another FABO member in lives in your neck of the woods?
I have two sister's in law with MS. I feel for you. Me and my wife will say a paryer for you. Try to stay positive.
keep on keepin on hard as it might be to tell those closest to you, i think you should- they deserve to know if why you arent yourself after a while...I dont know much about the condition, but i hope things look up for you...were all here for you and i think you know that too...good luck!
Sorry to hear.
I have a cousin who has MS he's had it for quite a few years.
He keeps doing the best he can.
We'll keep you in our prayers.
I hope they find a cure in the near future.
Hang in there.
All you can do is take it one day at a time.

where are ya located. maybe some of us members can help with the dart. just a thought.cant have a pile of parts laying around rusting. and dont give up. mopar is good therapy. jegs has a handy mechanic stool on sale right now that might help.
Well, that hugs a BIG root. If there's anything we can do for ya, sing out. I'll keep you in my prayers.
where are ya located. maybe some of us members can help with the dart. just a thought.cant have a pile of parts laying around rusting. and dont give up. mopar is good therapy. jegs has a handy mechanic stool on sale right now that might help.

That would be a great idea. I don't think you are in my neck of the woods but I would definitely help if you were. Let's us know where you are located and perhaps we can rallye the troops in that area. I am real sorry to hear what you are going through but damn it ... fight it all the way! You have a wonderful support group here.