Had my right wrist and elbow operated on today



Tyr Fryr's Inc.
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Central, IL (Hooterville)
Old injury came back to haunt me. Been putting it off as long I could stand it but the time has came. In 96 I was running a electric pallet jack at work and the brakes went out and smashed my right wrist against a guardrail then the brakes locked up and had me pinned with my wrist smashed flat for about 3 minutes until the guys got me free. Good thing they got me loose when they did as I was about to pass out from pain. Had an operation then and after about a year it worked ok with only minor strength loss. Well it started acting up in 03 causing alot of pain when I worked hard so I went back to the doc to see what he said. He said scar tissue had grown back and was pinching the nerve so he went in and cut it out. Got a little better but not much. The last 2 yrs. it's hurt alot so I finally gave up and went to a different doctor who had an MRI done and he said it looked like it tore the ligament and had a cyst growing in it. Today he cut out the cyst and did what he could with the cartilage but there's no guarantees. I was down to about 25% use of it so it almost has to be better.

And while he was in there he did a cubital tunnel release because my elbow was extremely sensitive.

If you believe in prayer I'd sure appreciate it. Sounds like that is probably the only way I'll get full use of it back.

Thanks for taking time to read my plea. Tracy
Hey Tracy:

Sounds like that wrist has been through a lot. Wishing you Godspeed and a quick, full recovery.

Well that sucks Tracy. I hope it turns out O.K. How long do you expect to be out of commission? Wrist injury's are bad, second only to legs. I have fought a bad wrist since I was 9 years old and fell 35 feet out of a tree and shattered my left arm. Hang in there and do the rehab.

Oh, I most certainly believe in the power of prayer! Sounds like you have had a time of it. Prayers sent! :angel9::angel9:
Good luck with the arm repair Tracy. Those instrumnet panels arrived Thursday BTW. Thanks again.
Good luck Tracy! As a veteran of a few joint repairs myself I wish you a speedy recovery and an effortless rehabilation! 8)
Sounds like the doctors have a good plan for you.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you for a fast/full recovery.
Take care.
tnx alot guys. I appreciate all the prayers and thoughts.

Jack I'm expecting to out for about 8-10 weeks. darn that means I'm gonna have to sit in the a/c till about sept.:-D
When I saw the title of the thread my first thought was...

My mom told me I could go blind doing that excessively... 8)

Good luck on the recovery and work hard at Physical Therapy. I'm a vet of 6 knee surgeries. Pay close attention to what your body is telling you during PT.
He's got me beat. Left ankle once, right knee 4 times
Hey everybody just thought I'd post to tell you all that my wrist is doing better now just a month after the operation than it has in the last 5 yrs. Still a little tender in the palm and elbow but it's getting better. I had 49 stitches so it's just a given that when they slice and dice you that much it'll be sore for awhile. I can already tell I have gained some lost strength back.

Thanks again for the prayers and wishes. Tracy
Good deal Fishy, good to hear it's healing the way it's supposed too. I imagine the scary part is over?
I hope the 1st thing you've done with it is not pick your nose!Just kiddin,God Bless.Glad your feeling better.