Had to bury another friend Monday



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Skittles the cat was 10 and a half.

We've known something was wrong for about 3 months.
About a month ago we learned he had cancer in his leg that had metastasized from somewhere else.

Skitty was the first cat I've had in 30 years and the first cat my wife has ever had.
When he arrived, he set in motion over a decade of service to feral and abandoned cats in our county. He is responsible for somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 cats having better lives either through involvement with the SPCA, other local charities or direct feeding and TNR (trap, neuter, release) of neighborhood strays/ferals. He also opened the door (literally) to most of the cats dumped in our neighborhood becoming permanent residents at our house.

Every Sunday morning before my wife would get up, Skit would sit with me while I read and had coffee. When my wife would get up, we would read the paper and Skit would sit on the Stanley Steemer ad.

This is the second cat we've lost this year. I don't know which was worse, the unexpected shock of the first one or the unknowing and then slow degradation after finding out and the torment of picking a last day.

About the only consolation is that I think we got the timing right. Any earlier and we would have missed his last good days. Any later and he would have suffered more and more.

Go run my friend. You are no longer bound to your pain.

You'll see Skittles on the other side of the rainbow bridge one day. He'll be waitin for you.
My condolences! I know that pain of loosing a beloved fur baby all to well we lost 3 in the last year.
Sorry for the loss of your furry buddy. Sounds like he was really good friend. It's always difficult saying goodbye. I've had to "pick the day" a couple of times, not sure if that's harder than when it's a sudden event.
I'm sorry to hear about Skittles. These furry family members work into our hearts so easily ... and losing them hurts more than we care to admit.

RIP Skit.
Skittles looks like a great cat, I know he’ll be missed. RIP good kitty, your job here is done!
Thanks for everyone's kind words.

Both Skit and Nougat were fairly large presences in our household.

Even though we have several other cats, it's a very different place without them.