Happy Birthday creeds_247

Thank you Tony Fields, he will be delighted to see this .
Happy Birthday son !! On my phone. Darn it !
Late to the party again. Happy Birthday Creed! Hope there's some cake left....Lol.
Late to the party again. Happy Birthday Creed! Hope there's some cake left....Lol.
Good morning j-miller :coffee2: If I am correct and Creed was up at 2 am this morning and drove up to Hardy Arkansas (1 hour drive away) and parked his butt in his tree stand this morning :color: waiting on a drop tine that has been showing up on his game cam twice out of four days he said yesterday when Treva and I went to see him with his yearly cheese cake and gifts :color: I have put some Deere meat in the freezer but it sure would be nice to get some more :cheers: