Hard water spots

I don't know if this helps but they are advertising a hard water stain remover right above your post when I read it.:-D
Try HOT water with a little white vinegar. About 4 tablespoons per gallon will work. Also use newpaper instead of paper towels.
when I worked at the auto store we had our local glass guy who would always come in and buy this stuff in a small plastic tub called WSR, water spot remover.
I've had good luck with white vinegar and water, 50/50 mix. If the glass is really bad use a lot of water with Bon Ami, it won't scratch the glass. Here in SoCal our water is liquid rock!
The best thing i've ever used is a product called Bruce's GSR (glass spot and stain remover) worked really well on auto glass, and if your cleaning your bathroom sink or tub don't waste your time with anything else! it's in a very plain white plastic tub and is a reddish brown very fine clay/rubbing compound (will not scratch your glass!)5 star rating from me on this product!!!
I agree with the guy above, I use nothing but bon ami on my 09 challenger,,,, and it works like a champ with out a doubt,,,, I use it in conjunction with my mr clean car washer (minus the soap, i use it for the filter) these two combined have kept all water spots off my car for over a year now. and I wash my car a lot.