Header Paint Circus



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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I was at an auto store to get some parts and I walk down an aisle and two young men are arguing. One with a spray paint can in his hand says" Bobby, you think my headers get between 285-290 degrees? Are you nuts?" The other guy says " Don't you ever look at your temp. gauge in the car?" In response the other guy says" You have to multiply that temperature by 2 to get exhaust temperature, that's why I have to get paint that will take 600 degrees or more".
The discussion looked fairly heated so I kept my mouth shut, picked up my item and left.

Yikes Yikes Yikes :banghead:
I agree with Mopar to ya. You have to admit, the logic is there. You shoulda told them if they replace his battery with a 6 volt his alternator will only work half as hard and free up some extra horsepower. Then explain that when he sees all the header paint laying on the garage floor after it burns off there is still a special invisible coating on the headers.