Headrest Chrome



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
St. Petersburg, FL
Just finished having my 69 Dart bucket seats covers installed and while I was at it I redyed the headrests.

I picked up a set of headrest chrome from pg classics and naturally they are not the correct thickness as the original trim.

Tried to install the PG stuff and it does not fit well in the old slot on the headrest and the stickem doesnt hold it in place.


1. Has anyone found a better choice for the Chrome headrest trim other than PG Classics?

2. Has anyone installed the this trim and if so was another adhesive used?

Dont want to mess these up!
there is a guy on ebay who sells some 3M chrome strips for around $15-$20 and i put a set on my duster and dang things fit like a glove! i tried looking for them but it appears there's no current listing for them. classic auto industries in hb, CA has them in their catalog maybe check them out!