Heater Controls non Air Condtioning


Mark O'Donnell

Jul 26, 2009
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Does anyone have a diagram on how the Control cables hook up to the heater box,
I have three cables one long one and two short ones, it being two years since I removed them and can't rembember the way they go back on the box

Thanks Mark
I also have this issue - I thought I could remember after having the cables off for 7 years!
I dont have a diagram handy. If you can run the blower you can figure out which cable goes where. The tricky part is in the adjustment. Those clips that hold the cable sheathe in place are non-forgiving. You'll need to operate it all slowly and make sure the doors are not being pushed beyond therir stop points and clamp the cable sheathe in the sweet spot. If not the plastic attach pins on the controller will break. They are the weakest link. Hope this helps.
I've got a goofed up issue - Defrost & Heat both work fine, but the controls go backward. Switching the cables is the obvious move, right? Wrong - when I do that, the only thing that occurs is that both Defrost & Heat are both restricted. Plus, the cables don't move freely.

Maybe I've got the short cable & the longer cable going to the wrong vent shafts. I dunno, it's weird. but it's probably something silly. Again - this shows the value of recording 'existing conditions'.
The longest of the 3 goes on left upper controller post and to the door at defrost tubes. Hope this helps

67 vent box.jpg

68 climate control.jpg
Gawd Bless You!
I must have an older Control, but I think that they both work the same. Your's functions more smoothly than my model, which is put together from a couple of bad parts (complete w/ nuts & bolts in place of the lil' plastic studs). I'll try to post some pics later.

Nonetheless, that should get me going...if not, I'll just live w/ backward Defrost & Heat settings!
Upper right pin on controller to lever between heater core i/o ports ( I think ). Just trying to help :)
Yeah the pics are 67 plenum and 68 controller. They work the same through about 72. 67 controller stands alone in how it mounts and its fan switch.