Help! I Got A Foggy Windshield.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Courtenay, BC
I'm not sure what this is, but it's not overspray. It's seems to be part of the glass, all around the edge. The windshield is perfect other than that. Is there any way to remove this or should I be looking for another windshield?



this is very common with old cars,dont know if thereis anything that could be done about it,other than replacing it
You may have some moisture trapped in there. Alcohol will usually get rid of it if it`s moisture. Drink a few beers and it won`t bother you. Lol! No seriously, a strong alcohol like grain or even a 151 rum sprayed on and around the area may clear it up some. Usually it`s time for a new glass.
As far as I know you need a new windshield to fix that.

Looks like the early stages of delamination. The plastic between the windshield plates sometimes breaks down over time. The edges deteriorate first due to the slight exposure of the laminate medium. I don't know of any fix for this aside from replacement. :(
You may have some moisture trapped in there. Alcohol will usually get rid of it if it`s moisture. Drink a few beers and it won`t bother you. Lol! No seriously, a strong alcohol like grain or even a 151 rum sprayed on and around the area may clear it up some. Usually it`s time for a new glass.

brings back bad memories and feelings of wanting to vomit.
Well, thanks for confirming my worst fears. Can you still get a windshield at a regular auto glass place? Maybe I'll buy the Rum anyway and tell the wife it's for the car. hmmm:drinkers:. Somehow, I doubt she'll buy that one.
Yep water gets into the gasket to the glass edge and migrates up the plastic causing it to deteriorate. People would take out the chrome looking lock cord because it looked bad not realizing that held the gasket closed tight.
Repop glass is available for most classics but they are pricey.
Any of the automotive glass shops in your area can get that windshield for you. You may have a little harder time finding the rubber gasket if it needs to be replaced also, but several companies have them in stock.
keep looking til you find a deal, I've been quoted anywhere from $575(just the glass) to $275(installed) to replace mine on the duster...
OldVart, was that from a local shop or a National Chain here in Canada?
ie: Standard, Speedy, etc.
Any Islanders priced one out?
When the lamination seperates, that's it usually. Either replace the glass or live with it. The window gaskets are availiable.... I just bought one for my `74 Dart from Jack's for $85 I think, but a word of warning: CHECK the gasket against your car BEFORE you pop out the shield. When I bought mine it was too tall, like it was for a 4 dr. or another application, maybe a convertible. Being the trusting person I am, I just called in the glass guy and when he was putting it all together he noticed the problem. He had to section the gasket at the top (which pissed me off...) to get my car together. When I called Jack's to let them know what happened and to ask, or warn, them about the problem I was greeted with (and pissed off even more...) the usual: Did the glass guy know what he was doing? Are you SURE it didn't fit? We've NEVER had this problem before.... Are you sure you bought it from us? And so on....

Rant aside, the gasket and glass is out there.
I carefully cut out my own windshield using the razor knife slowly and precisely , I didnt mess up the gasket which in s fla runs 75 bucks, I then got a decent windshield from the boneyard for 50 bux and reinstalled it carefully .My quote for a glass guy to do it was 75 bux for the gasket if needed and $200 for the glass