Helpful Mopar wife/GF or not...

You all are very fortunate.
My wife will help clean stuff, makes coffee in the shop, help with organizing and all kinds of errands.
Not big with helping pull wrenches. That may change as we make progress on the barracuda.
She wants to help, but sometimes its hard to get certain details across. Could be me.
Aparrently im an asshole for kicking her out of the shop for wearing open toe shoes. Til that one day she rolled or dropped something on her own foot. Somehow it was my fault.
I really do preach safety a little hard,but now Kim understands.
If you have a lady in your life that supports your car hobby, you are very lucky! My wife hates my Duster and my old truck. She is way too practical for her own good. My kids however, they are great about helping. My 8 year old daughter helped me put the transmission in the duster this summer. I could not have done it without her. When we were done, I thanked her again and again. Finally she said "Daddy, we can' do burn outs without that part so of course I want to help." I guess I owe my wife for having kids with me so that makes her ok too.

I have a very supportive wife as well. All she asks is the bills are paid for first then do buy what ever I need for the cars, she comes out and helps when she can so does my 7 year old but most the time my awesome wife is taking care of our 15 month old while i spend some time in the garage, and I theres times she want to go out with friends I say go for it and I take care of both kids. She's excited about getting the dart up, keeps seeing these honda people or newer camero guys and wish she had the dart to just sit there let it idle and say your car isn't that bad ***. Only 10 years married so far and she's always been this way, way back to my srt4 build up to the 72 satellite and bow the 67 dart.
I wish my wife was more restrictive and told me no... anytime I bring one home she gets excited and welcomes the new find. I wish she said NO! Ha. Well maybe not. We don’t have kids, we have cars.
My wife will on occasion bring me a bottle of water, or some cookies or something when I'm working on the Dart. As far as the car goes she could car less about it, but she is mighty impressed with the transformation that I've done on the car since I had it.
In all other areas, she's a good gal and I wouldn't trade her for anything.
I can say without hesitation that the Chevelle I restored with my X wife was probably a top 3 in the marriage. Unless you experience the whole process and go through it with your spouse there is only but so much to understand. You just have to try it lol.....

Most people have some connection with the automobile. And it's almost like a Pandora's box when your significant other takes an interest to cars beyond driving them.... When a female is happy to have sand in the crack of her butt (and those who have sandblasted know exactly what I mean lol) then life is good. I was a lucky guy in regards to that part of the marriage.....

Give it a try guys. Sometimes we are the exact reason they are timid about working on cars. And for the record greasy fingernails are just another reason for women to hit their favorite Nail Salon lol...

Yup, I've got a good one, too! That's how I ended up with 2 '64 Darts, 2 '26 Dodge Coupes, and a '46 Dodge pickup...and, oh yeah, a Hellcat ;-)
I guess you guys are all very fortunate. Im in the other boat but I wont say im unlucky. Like 89on35s my wife has no desire to get in any of my cars and I have some nice rides. My oldest has not seen the road since bought but I was already told she will never ride in it or go to the races with me. I also have a very nice 72 convertible stingray that she hates riding in, an 80 trans am indy pace car that she doesnt like getting in and out of and a 99 trans am daytona pace car that she hates equally. She often(weekly) tells me I need to get rid of some of these cars. But she never complains when I spend money on them, she never complains how much time I spend working on them or driving them.
We share a great life (37 married yrs and 2 kids) away from the cars and I wouldnt want it any other way. Top that off with every weekend from April to November I play at least 54 holes of golf and I think I am a very lucky man!
My wife is extremely supportive and VERY helpful.
She is also not the best for me since she enables me... LMAO!!!!

She is a bit of a car girl herself.
My wifes Dad was a carb mechanic and she will happily debate the pros and cons of big block vs small block. One day after I had recently installed an electric fuel pump the motor died and while I was checking the wiring at the switch she crawled under and found a loose ground. We have a lot of miles down the road together, looking forward to a lot more.