Here's Number 10

Well, Clyde has spent his first full day inside the house with the general population. We usually keep him in the master bath, because the current alpha, Sarah, just pitched a fit. Since he's been in the house with everybody else, he's starting to acclimate. Weather was real bad today so I brought him inside. He was scared in the bathroom by himself, so I just let him out. So far so good.
It sounds like Clyde has figured out where his bread is buttered. Heck, if you gave ME a warm place to sleep on a cold night and fed me, I'd probably be tempted to move in too.
She's getting stronger. She eats 2-3 small cans of wet cat food a day. (She doesn't have the teeth for dry.) And will bug the crap out of me until I at least share a taste what I'm eating. (She doesn't take the answer "no" very well) Any people food has to be shredded so she can eat. Chicken, Turkey, pork. And she really likes burgers. Steak is a little tough for her to down. But will give it the college try.

I at times house sits a friend's pit bull. She is a nice dog. But has been known not to like cats. The dog looks at the cat with an obvious look on her face. "That cat is pathetic. I can't be mean to that?" So they just sniff each other and walk in different directions.

I think im stuck with the white fur shedding monstrosity for eternity.
Wow, try Dinovite for cats, one box will last a long time. My lady friend's cats didn't like it mixed with the wet tho', but eat it up with the dry, they would lick it out of a separate dish next to the food dish. Made a big diff in the older one, Peter got more playful & energetic, also less puking...had a sensitive stomach. Bless that poor old furball, lol! Glad she has a home..
Yep, you beat me...and I'm not taking anymore stray males unless they're kittens. My really good boy king shadow is having a spraying contest with himself which is causing the other male to mark over his piss. Gonna try some kitty CBD.
This is a stray that's been hangin out for the past few weeks. Kitty calls him Clyde. He's a really BIG cat. The picture does not do him justice. We've be bringing him at night ever since last weekend, when it was so cold. Got down to about 23 last Sunday morning. Old Clyde needed a warm place to sleep. Now he's been showing up everyday like clockwork. lol He's not acclimating well with the brood. It's not him. He's really laid back. For some reason, the "rest" ain't havin it, so we put Clyde in the master bathroom. Hopefully, we'll be able to work him in with the brood. We're going to take him in and get him vetted, all checked out, get his shots all up to date. He's a really sweet cat.
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This is some kind of karma going on. My sweetie has a cat coming around at her place that is Clyde's twin. This thing is a bruiser with a head like a melon. It's a very nice cat but we can't figure out if it's a stray or just an opportunist happy to eat free cat food. She calls it Gaston.


This is some kind of karma going on. My sweetie has a cat coming around at her place that is Clyde's twin. This thing is a bruiser with a head like a melon. It's a very nice cat but we can't figure out if it's a stray or just an opportunist happy to eat free cat food. She calls it Gaston.

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We have a big light grey tabby that comes by, he's huge & rough like that guy, we call him hank
So Clyde is now on the front porch every mornin. He hangs around all day. We went for cat supplies today and Kitty got him some kinda badass flea and tick collar. Supposed to last seven months. Here he is sportin his new collar. He didn't like it right away, but it grew on him. Don't worry, it's a break away collar in case it gets hooked on anything. Now he's been checked out, got his rabies shots and his new flea collar, plus his outside food bowl is always full and he gets a can of toony fish a day. His coat just glistens in the sun and he's put on a pound or so since he's been with us.
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This is some kind of karma going on. My sweetie has a cat coming around at her place that is Clyde's twin. This thing is a bruiser with a head like a melon. It's a very nice cat but we can't figure out if it's a stray or just an opportunist happy to eat free cat food. She calls it Gaston.

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Wow! I thought I was lookin at Clyde. Gaston's a good lookin cat.
Clyde is officially number ten. Although he does not want to be indoors with the general population, we'll keep trying. He may just end up being an outside cat. If that's what makes him happy, then so be it.

But......we found out where he came from. It's sad and makes me really angry at the same time. Our nearest neighbor is.....meh.....I reckon about 750 feet away. Clyde belonged to them. They just packed their crap up in a big U-Haul a few days ago and left. Didn't even bother looking for Clyde. Our neighbor across the street works at the local Dairy Queen. When we were in there a few days ago, she asked Kitty if we had seen the big grey and black cat, that the neighbors had just left him behind. She and her husband have some little dogs, but she knew that if we took Clyde in, he'd be golden. Kitty told her we had been taking care of him about a month or so now, we had already had him vetted and everything. She was relieved. They were the ones who brought us Scruff as a kitten about seven years ago after someone threw him from a moving car. The things people are capable of. Clyde sometimes wanders during the day. We think he is still going down to the now vacant house where his former owners were. That right there really chaps my ***. He'll eventually get over it.
Well, it's taken some time, but Clyde is acclimating. That's his big old *** in the middle. lol
Glad to hear it. Everyone needs a little time!
Very true, although with Happenstance, he just stomped right in and made his way. Tiger did the same. Sometimes it bees like that.

Now, we have TWO more strays coming around, too. When does it end?
It never ends. The old lady across the way from me was feeding a couple of strays and every once in a while, I'd put out some food to, well abought a week ago they put her in a home and I started hearing Cats crying, little critters lost their main food source, now I'm feeding six to eight of them little buggers. Time to get the BIG bag O food!
Very true, although with Happenstance, he just stomped right in and made his way. Tiger did the same. Sometimes it bees like that.

Now, we have TWO more strays coming around, too. When does it end?

It doesn’t. Those cats talk you know. They are telling everyone around they hit the kitty lottery. Cats gossip. That’s a known fact. Pretty soon they’ll all be coming around.
It doesn’t. Those cats talk you know. They are telling everyone around they hit the kitty lottery. Cats gossip. That’s a known fact. Pretty soon they’ll all be coming around.
It is 100% a fact.
It never ends. The old lady across the way from me was feeding a couple of strays and every once in a while, I'd put out some food to, well abought a week ago they put her in a home and I started hearing Cats crying, little critters lost their main food source, now I'm feeding six to eight of them little buggers. Time to get the BIG bag O food!
That's very kind of you brother
It never ends. The old lady across the way from me was feeding a couple of strays and every once in a while, I'd put out some food to, well abought a week ago they put her in a home and I started hearing Cats crying, little critters lost their main food source, now I'm feeding six to eight of them little buggers. Time to get the BIG bag O food!
Very cool. They'd be taken to a shelter otherwise and likely euthanized.
I will say this though. Any cat hangs out around here long WILL GET vetted including spay, neuter and all their shots. We don't play that mess where they just keep reproducing. In fact, I am going to get a trap from the county and try to trap these last two that won't come to us and even take then in as well.
They will all come live with me before they get euthanized, problem is none of them will let me get to close, it'll take some time, I have lots of time!