Here's Number 10

They will all come live with me before they get euthanized, problem is none of them will let me get to close, it'll take some time, I have lots of time!
That's our problem with these last two.
Here’s one of our boys. He had a twin brother that got taken out by a coyote.

Notice the big rat? This dude’s a killer!
Havent really been a cat person, buddy has 2. Usually they just keep their distance, but last night at tea,tigger parked himself on my lap. Never before. I has a new buddy. Hes a nice cat, but not real social though.
There has been a couple strays pass through here,but i think the fox has jurisdiction. Cat follows fox,maybe to steal food?
Found another for you @RustyRatRod
This is Strength and Honor. Sadly, honor is the one who got got by the coyote.

It never ends. The old lady across the way from me was feeding a couple of strays and every once in a while, I'd put out some food to, well abought a week ago they put her in a home and I started hearing Cats crying, little critters lost their main food source, now I'm feeding six to eight of them little buggers. Time to get the BIG bag O food!
For the last few days only two cats have been showing up to eat, I hope someone else is feeding them and nothing bad has happened.
This is a stray that's been hangin out for the past few weeks. Kitty calls him Clyde. He's a really BIG cat. The picture does not do him justice. We've be bringing him at night ever since last weekend, when it was so cold. Got down to about 23 last Sunday morning. Old Clyde needed a warm place to sleep. Now he's been showing up everyday like clockwork. lol He's not acclimating well with the brood. It's not him. He's really laid back. For some reason, the "rest" ain't havin it, so we put Clyde in the master bathroom. Hopefully, we'll be able to work him in with the brood. We're going to take him in and get him vetted, all checked out, get his shots all up to date. He's a really sweet cat.
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Will he be going to the vet to be "tutored"
Will he be going to the vet to be "tutored"
Funny thing. Someone cared enough about him to get him fixed already. Then they didn't give a crap enough about him and left him behind. We made sure he's up to date on all his shots though. He's doin good.
My son has adopted a cat from a girl that wasn't interested in him romantically. This cat was near death. Can't hear. Eye sight poor. And was somewhat silent. Today (3 years later) the cat can run, jump and her meow can be heard. She is small at about 7lbs. She still can't hear. Eye sight still poor. But her sense of smell is acute. And eats like a horse.

She just turned 22 years old.


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Cat passed away this morning. 3 months short of 23. She was laboring breathing the last couple days. She died in her sleep.
Cat passed away this morning. 3 months short of 23. She was laboring breathing the last couple days. She died in her sleep.

Sorry to hear...

At you gave her a good life...
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Clyde had been inside over a week now. That's a new record for him. He's tryin real hard to be an inside cat.
Uh, Truffles looks a little strung out. You should try to get him to relax...