Here's to all the College Graduates...

Yup that's about right.
Shouldn't that say, would you like fries with that
No there is finally something I can agree with you about.

Don't let it go to your head.

Sure about that? because your initial post seems to be geared towards an anti-education stance.

Thankfully, I'm not a petulant child. So i truly don't care if what you post mildly offends me.
"Shouldn't that say, would you like fries with that"


IT's a joke son, IT's a joke

Or at least that is what I got out of it.

In today's job market if you don't have a degree in something you will have a very tough time making a living.

If I weren't so old might do it myself. But by the time I would get a degree I'd be dead.

Had I gotten a degree when I was young would not be working so hard today

But many graduating still don't know what they are going to do. Some study in field that they cannot get a job in. My step granddaughter is going to UK 1st year of 7 year program. She will be able to work anywhere once she graduates.

But take this thread as what it is, just a joke
the sad part is that the first degree is a warm up and by the time they know what they really want to do and graduate again-Well, the Abody fund is dry!!!

I was still able to laugh at the post though!
I gots me a edumacation and it done me no harm.:tongue2:

It is true that you must pick a degree that is worth something. Like engineering, accounting, physics, etc., if you want to be employable. But if you want to do well in life, hard work, drive and ambition will do more than many degrees. I wish someone had advised me when I was young to start a business on my own, but since I was educated on a USAF scholarship, I was obligated to serve them (and willfully I might add) upon graduation. Then after that, I was already well down the road in my field.

On the other hand, I've met many idiot engineers and especially architects, so their educations didn't do them any justice. The world would have been better off if they became ditch diggers instead. I've met many self educated men too who were smarter than most who've spent a long while in schools. My father for example never graduated HS (though he got his GED). He sold himself short against college educated men because he put that on himself, but I'm here to tell you that he was smarter than most so-called "educated" men I've ever known (including myself though I think I'm pretty smart too).

I think the answer is never stop reading and watching educational shows if you want to get smart and then stay smart.

Then we have the politicians and lawyers. 'Nuff said!:banghead:
Yeah education was less costly then, but wages were far less, too. I couldn't handle the job and a full load at school. so my first bachelors degree took me 5 years. The second one was another 14 months.
Y'all forget about skilled trades, not that bad, and pay well.

We'll agree on this.

Welders making six digits a year.

Diesel techs making $30-$50 an hour.

Good with hydraulics and can make a drag line do what you want? That's worth six digits.

Truck drivers making $50-$60K a year or better.

One doesn't need a college degree, especially since some aren't cut out for college. Finding a good paying job is a matter of education through skills, putting in the hard work, and working towards the goal.
The sad thing is it will take many years after to pay off the loans.

Depending on the planning. These days I cringe when i hear about people getting student loans to go to study at a college far away. A friend of mine has 40k in debt from that plan.

Doing the math, i should be 6-8k in debt when i finish in 2-2.5yrs. Maybe less if i get a pell grant, but i'm not poor, a woman, a minority, or from another country, so fat chance on that. Though I'm gonna pick up a 2nd job in the summer months and try to negate that debt.
We'll agree on this.

Welders making six digits a year.

Diesel techs making $30-$50 an hour.

Good with hydraulics and can make a drag line do what you want? That's worth six digits.

Truck drivers making $50-$60K a year or better.

One doesn't need a college degree, especially since some aren't cut out for college. Finding a good paying job is a matter of education through skills, putting in the hard work, and working towards the goal.
I would love to see where the 30 to 50 an hour a diesel mechanic works. Here near Detriot even with 30 years experience it does not get any higher than 26 an hour.