Hero German Shepherd Saves Family in Alaska!

A German Shepherd will adopt people, especially children, as its own. Their intelligence and loyalty are why they are so well suited for police work. This is a great story but not terribly surprising. If I had the space for a large dog, this is the breed I would have, bar none.
I have a friend who works for German Shepherd Rescue here in Los Angeles. I'll have to pass this on to her. Thanks!
We had a german shepard.Was the smartest damn jacka$$. Would heard the daughter away from stairs,danger etc and then act completely stupid and goofy.

They are a great dog!
I saw that this morning with the dog turning occasionally to make sure trooper was following. the owners getting him a big steak,he would like that better than the cup. he says the dog has fended off bears also.
We watched it on tv news last night 8), That was so touching and it just goes to show our four legged friends are our protectors and love us unconditionally with all there ability they have :happy10: and they have many :cheers:. Another German Shepherd hero :happy10:
Thank you ramcharger 8) I was happy to see it again :cheers:
That was just awesome. Thanks for posting that Ramcharger.

I know how much you like your Rotties, but I still think that a GSD is the smartest dog out there. Heck, mine can even spell. We can't say "treat" so we started spelling it. Now they know what that means, too.

I'd like to see a cat do that. :toothy10:

My boys say hello.

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