Hey guys checkin in



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Don't matter
Well ive been in and outta the hospitle and many docs. So i aint been on in along time . I seen cos and waggs needed help . Im sorry i cant help yall . Im prayin for yall my brothers. My Heath just wont let me do much right now. I could use some prayers my way too if yall dont mind. Im not going to go into whats goin on with me . just wanted yall to know im thinking bout yall too.

See yall from time to time or when i get better .
Prayers for you as well, from here Asa. Praying also for wisdom for the Doctors treating you.
Asa, I hope and pray your health gets better. I enjoyed chatting with you in the old chat room. I miss it.
You shared some of the plans you had for your dads car.
You are a generous young man, putting others above yourself.
It is time you put yourself first for awhile and get healthy. take care my friend.

ps, you are a fine young man, your father should be proud.
Asa - I was just thinking about you yesterday wondering where you were and if you were ok - you do what you gotta do - take care of yourself - I hope everything works out for ya bud!! Adding you to my thoughts and prayers!!!
Hang in there bud...

I been thinking of calling ya lately...
Just got back alittle bit ago from a doc. Think we have it now so hope i will be back to myself in time for mopars at the park In Nov. Maybe. thanks you guys
That's very good to hear, Asa. We need you to be healthy, we need a "Doctor" in the house, bud.
My prayers are with you as well Asa, hoping for a healing hand!!! Take care brother, message if you need anything!!! Geof
Hope things get better for you Asa, praying for you each day bud ! Mikie..
Thanks guys they still have not found out whats wrong with me. But i am feeling alittle better . I did make it out to mopars at the park. Didnt stay long went to feeling bad. Seen some of you guys there.
Glad that you are welling well enough to check in with us. Take care of yourself...
Thanks guys they still have not found out whats wrong with me. But i am feeling alittle better . I did make it out to mopars at the park. Didnt stay long went to feeling bad. Seen some of you guys there.

Glad that you're starting to feel a little better...

I tried calling you a few weeks ago, no answer..