Hey Rob!!Luongo sings 12 year contract



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Go Canucks GO!!! I like what Gillis is doing. With Luongo locked for a 12 year no trade contract we have a solid goaltender for years to come.

Lets see how the new recruits sort out...
I saw that, at first glance the length looks crazy but I would bet it's front end loaded so the cap hit is a lot lower than it would be otherwise. Later on he may retire and it comes off the books, so it's actully pretty smart. No worries about that position anymore, they made a great trade to pick up a couple D and then signed M Schnieder, so the D is very strong. If they could trade Cory Schnieder and maybe one of the D for another top 6 forward that would be great. Could be a great year, hopefully Hodgson makes the team and ends up being Calder winning material :cheers:

Can't believe it's almost hockey season, summer went by right quick.

Hope your health is holding up
Yes, a sweet deal for both parties. He may become their #1 franchise player (besides the twins).

BTW: Anyone interested in joining a well-established fantasy hockey league? Two teams are not returning this season. I have been in it for about 8 years now. There are 16 teams total. Most of the teams are based in the Chicago/New York area besides myself (in CA) and one other franchise owner in AZ. There's a nice little pay out in the end if you are victorious.
I gotta do this!

(once I figure out all the new faces)

No kidding, half the team is new, not sure if I like it, seems they got smaller, the top 3 forwards are midgets and take up about 20 mil a year, ouch.

Luongo is GOLD! Did the Canucks keep Sundin?

No Sundin yet, and I would prefer it that way, unless he would sign for cheap, no way I want him for big money
lets go rangers!!!!!! even though that moron sather let my favorite player go. you boys up north keep your eyes open for colton orr. they guy sure can kick some azzzzzzzz!!!
lets go rangers!!!!!! even though that moron sather let my favorite player go. you boys up north keep your eyes open for colton orr. they guy sure can kick some azzzzzzzz!!!

I'm not a Leafs fan but I like what Burke has done with the team, I like the addition of Orr, they will be one tough team to play against next year. I'll actually be able to enjoy watching their games for a change. If they don't beat the other team at least they'll beat them up :toothy10:

My Hawks will own the Canucks again this year.:bootysha: :D

I doubt that, especially since all you have left in goal is Huet. I think the Nucks will have a very good year and I'm not normally all that optimistic about that.
Flyers win the Cup - end thread/

Just kidding, but I hope they do - I'm super excited about this season; should be one of the tougher teams in the league to play against, and a talented group too. I know there are doubts about Emery, but the guy's got talent - I really believe he's been given a second chance in Philly, so I expect he's going to work hard and play his a$$ off. With Pronger, Timonen, Coburn, Parent, possibly Carle, the D corps is arguably #1 or #2 in the league. And even with losing Lupul and Knuble, the O is still at least 3 lines deep of players that can be game-changers.

As far as Pronger goes, not only does he add elite individual skills, he brings leadership and grittiness that was lacking from our D last year after Smith and Hatcher were gone. Coburn played like a top D-man when paired w/ hatcher 2 years ago - he needs that tough mentor to help mold his game. I know people might say age is an issue, but the guy is still playing at an elite level, and is in tip-top shape. Hell, Lidstrom has been the best D-man in the game for the last decade, and he's 40 - Pronger easily has several great years to give to Philly. With his cannon from the point look for Philly to be one of the better PP teams in the league - heck they were pretty damn good last season with almost no offense from the D - add to that Giroux and a healthy Briere, and you have 2 venerable PP units.

BTW - remember the name Claude Giroux - this guy's going to be a great player, and I think this will be the first full season he really shows something special. Also, look for Briere to have a bounce-back year this season.

BTW - good move by VAN to secure Luongo long-term - not much risk with the guy since he's been an elite tender since entering the league. Now maybe the Flyers can take a look at Schnieder for the future...
With the Kings new schedule,I like our chances..........:blackeye:

Flyers win the Cup - end thread/

Just kidding, but I hope they do - I'm super excited about this season; should be one of the tougher teams in the league to play against, and a talented group too. I know there are doubts about Emery, but the guy's got talent - I really believe he's been given a second chance in Philly, so I expect he's going to work hard and play his a$$ off. With Pronger, Timonen, Coburn, Parent, possibly Carle, the D corps is arguably #1 or #2 in the league. And even with losing Lupul and Knuble, the O is still at least 3 lines deep of players that can be game-changers.

As far as Pronger goes, not only does he add elite individual skills, he brings leadership and grittiness that was lacking from our D last year after Smith and Hatcher were gone. Coburn played like a top D-man when paired w/ hatcher 2 years ago - he needs that tough mentor to help mold his game. I know people might say age is an issue, but the guy is still playing at an elite level, and is in tip-top shape. Hell, Lidstrom has been the best D-man in the game for the last decade, and he's 40 - Pronger easily has several great years to give to Philly. With his cannon from the point look for Philly to be one of the better PP teams in the league - heck they were pretty damn good last season with almost no offense from the D - add to that Giroux and a healthy Briere, and you have 2 venerable PP units.

BTW - remember the name Claude Giroux - this guy's going to be a great player, and I think this will be the first full season he really shows something special. Also, look for Briere to have a bounce-back year this season.

BTW - good move by VAN to secure Luongo long-term - not much risk with the guy since he's been an elite tender since entering the league. Now maybe the Flyers can take a look at Schnieder for the future...

I forgot they picked up Pronger, that should help a lot if he can play smart and not take all those undisciplined penalties, always been his weakness. I'm not sold on Emery, I don't think he's an upgrade on Biron and comes with baggage. You never know though, a season in Russia may have opened his eyes to what he gave up from shear stupidity.

Hockey sucks, It rates right up there with Curling. That said, I have to root for the home team.

Go Avalanche

Man them are fighting words although I can't argue with you about the curling, frankly I don't get that one either

With the Kings new schedule,I like our chances..........:blackeye:

It's a good young team, they'll be making noise soon and you gotta love the puck girls :toothy10:
Go Canucks GO!!! I like what Gillis is doing. With Luongo locked for a 12 year no trade contract we have a solid goaltender for years to come.

Lets see how the new recruits sort out...

Hey Rob!!Luongo sings 12 year contract ?
I didn't know he was a singer..... :bootysha:

Delivered from the Stanley Cup Championship city Of Pittsburgh to all you cup hopefulls! And don't forget we won the Super Bowl in the same season!!!!

I forgot they picked up Pronger, that should help a lot if he can play smart and not take all those undisciplined penalties, always been his weakness. I'm not sold on Emery, I don't think he's an upgrade on Biron and comes with baggage. You never know though, a season in Russia may have opened his eyes to what he gave up from shear stupidity.
Ugh - sounds like you haven;t seen biron play all too often. The guy has the ability to be a decent starter in the league, but he's just too damn inconsistent. Emery is definetly an upgrade over Biron. Holmgren has already addressed the off-ice issues prior to signing him, and Emery has fully adimted that this is his last chance and he's learned from his mistakes. He signed here with clear expectations in regard to behavior - Holmgrem has basically set a zero-tolerance policy with him. I gaurantee you won;t hear a peep from the guy all season off the ice.

As far as Pronger goes, that's just part of his game - He's still a top 3 D man in the league. Although, Bettman and the League have it out for the Flyers, so I'm sure even if it's a boarderline call - it'll be made. i don;t think changing his game is going to affect the calls - he's a Flyer now - he won't have the benefit of the doubt anymore. I can't wait for the douchebag Campbell to try and hit us with more unjustified suspensions this year - can;t wait to see what BS rules he can make up this year.
Hey Rob!!Luongo sings 12 year contract ?
I didn't know he was a singer..... :bootysha:

Delivered from the Stanley Cup Championship city Of Pittsburgh to all you cup hopefulls! And don't forget we won the Super Bowl in the same season!!!!


Now if you only had a baseball team :bootysha: It'll be tough for the Pens to repeat but it could happen, they have got some great players.

Ugh - sounds like you haven;t seen biron play all too often. The guy has the ability to be a decent starter in the league, but he's just too damn inconsistent. Emery is definetly an upgrade over Biron. Holmgren has already addressed the off-ice issues prior to signing him, and Emery has fully adimted that this is his last chance and he's learned from his mistakes. He signed here with clear expectations in regard to behavior - Holmgrem has basically set a zero-tolerance policy with him. I gaurantee you won;t hear a peep from the guy all season off the ice.

As far as Pronger goes, that's just part of his game - He's still a top 3 D man in the league. Although, Bettman and the League have it out for the Flyers, so I'm sure even if it's a boarderline call - it'll be made. i don;t think changing his game is going to affect the calls - he's a Flyer now - he won't have the benefit of the doubt anymore. I can't wait for the douchebag Campbell to try and hit us with more unjustified suspensions this year - can;t wait to see what BS rules he can make up this year.

I know what you mean about Biron being inconsistant but Emery loses focus a lot too. You can read him the riot act all you want, doesn't mean he can stick to it even if he genuinely wants to, he's a total dumbass. He fits the Flyers mold though, if the going gets tough he'll be the first one to drop the gloves, I like that :toothy10: Pronger is definitley a top 2 D-man, he just needs to control his emotions, it's ok to take penalties and play tough but he takes a lot of really stupid penalties. I'm looking forward to watching Flyers/Leafs games now that Burke has toughened them up a ton, that'll be some rough hockey, just the way it should be :cheers:
Yeah, I know - the Leafs have put together a scrappy team - should be fun to play them again, because the last few seasons they haven;t put up much of a fight. I like Burke - I think the Leafs are going to have a solid team in the next few seasons with him at the helm.

Oh well, only time will tell how all the moves the Flyers made work out, but I have no doubt i'll be entertaining.
Delivered from the Stanley Cup Championship city Of Pittsburgh to all you cup hopefulls! And don't forget we won the Super Bowl in the same season!!!!

Enjoy it while it lasts - because whent the fun is over, you guys will go back to throwing seasons again to get your next round of high draft picks. Personally, I'm happy to be a fan of a team that is consistently competitive. Either way, I think the Flyers will have their number this year - I can't wait to see Pronger rough up Crosby.
I've never liked the Leafs but I like Burke so I guess by default I'll have to like the team a bit. At least they'll be entertaining for a change which is good since they show so many of their games.
I've never liked the Leafs but I like Burke so I guess by default I'll have to like the team a bit. At least they'll be entertaining for a change which is good since they show so many of their games.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like the Laffs either - they'll just be more fun to hate.