


Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
thompson manitoba
just wanted to say hello. i usually read way more than i write, but am willing to state opinions from time to time, or just chat.

I am the same way. you will find this to be a great place to hang out.
thanks for the welcomings.
i'm not on every day, but trying to get more regular. gotta buy some pewter parts to network our pewters together. should be fun
i'm in iroquois, ontario,near the st.lawrence river.
i've got a '65 barracuda, 318, 3.91 gears. currently getting a 360 ready.
we also have a '73 swinger, full on drag car, 446 ci,4,56 gears, 11.2@120
unfortunately it's for sale. gonna keep the cuda though.
I am like that too Russ, but try to help as much as my limited knowledge will allow, and I usually have pics on every part to be restored and documnets and web links. I ask questions and recive help so I try. Welcome aboard from Fredericton New Brunswick!
NOT ME RUSS!!!! I don't know Jack %$@&*, but I love to put my two pennies in.
Welcome fellow neighbor. You must be close to the "new" nation.
Cheers to another Hoser on board! Long live the Great White North!

65 Barracuda S in Ottawa, Ontario
Wow lots of Canucks in here, this is a great site, lots of good info and people, I'm like you Russ I read more than I write, so much good stuff to read and browse!! Lots of Canadains here but best of all there's no borders here or politics!!! This is a good place to come when you can't drive your car in the winter and it's pouring down rain outside(how can you tell I'm in the rainy part of the west!) welcome to another northern brother!!