High performance driving school opinions?



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
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Anyone have any experience or know someone who took a high performance driving class? There's Bob Bondurant and Skip Barber but what about the others out there? They are not cheap so am curious to hear opinions.
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Went thru one in 1980, while in the Navy. I learned ALOT! Just not how to drive fast, but how to drive quick! Efficiently, and how to stat alive avoiding the other idiots on the road. dont remember what the name was of the school. Navy paid for it, I was the CO's driver.
Truthfully when I hear people comment on a cars handling I'm usually laughing inside. Unless they've raced or attended a driving school they have no idea. They should be using the word "rides", not "handles". A driving school will give you seat time on a closed course. You can not safely push a car to the edge on public roads(not long enough to learn anyway). 95% of what's to be learned is in the last 5% of the car's capabilities. You'll learn how to get the car to rotate with the brakes on entry, how your entry effects your apex and so on.
suggest finding your local SCCA club and start asking there. I was surprised to learn the state one here does a weekly performance driving school every week from April thru November and it's not bad price wise. 50-100 bucks a session depending on what you wanna do/learn.
I went to kart racing school in Florida about 20 years ago.
The instructors also taught at Bondurant.
Good for learning how to race on a track but of course did not have the on the road topics.
It was very affordable and a good start.
100% do it! I did Car Guys & Skip Barber, yeah they cost money, I'm sure You don't have to think long to come up w/the reasons why. Take the longest course You can & make
the most of it, You'll wonder how You did w/o it. Even tho' I studied driving & "practiced" ill advisedly on the streets(alot!), there's something about the setting of classroom, &
experienced instructors that helps You focus on whats happening & ID's bad habits. Then You get to let it rip w/o a 1ton dump possibly backing out in front of You....road courses
Anyone have any experience or know someone who took a high performance driving class? There's Bob Bondurant and Skip Barber but what about the others out there? They are not cheap so am curious to hear opinions.
Did the Derrick Daley School twice when he had it in Las Vegas. He had the Formula Fords . Was racing a Trans Am Car in vintage events at the time. Learned an incredible amount and realized I had a bunch of bad habits . Only problem was after driving the open wheel cars driving the Mustang was like dancing with a fat lady. Ended up with this. Do one for sure.

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I just returned from Phoenix after taking a 3 day Bondurant class. For the folks who responded above saying it would be worth it, you were right! The instructor I had awesome; all the details they taught about types of corners, vision, traction/maximizing tire contact patch is key to understanding how to maximize efficiently getting around the track. Their skid car was fantastic for showing how to handle under & oversteer. I wish I didn't wait so long to pull the trigger on it but managed to be one of the last classes to drive the Vipers before they are gone!

I just returned from Phoenix after taking a 3 day Bondurant class. For the folks who responded above saying it would be worth it, you were right! The instructor I had awesome; all the details they taught about types of corners, vision, traction/maximizing tire contact patch is key to understanding how to maximize efficiently getting around the track. Their skid car was fantastic for showing how to handle under & oversteer. I wish I didn't wait so long to pull the trigger on it but managed to be one of the last classes to drive the Vipers before they are gone!

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Congratulations! Now you qualify for a SCCA Regional license or can go vintage racing in VSCDA. Going to take it to the next step?