Hit a stove



I'm a pretty big deal
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Laquey missouri
Some jackass dropped a stove in the road and i hit it with my car, it was at night and it was right over the hill im so mad im hoping to trade it for a 70s model dart its not messed up byond repair just the bumper drivers headlight and drivers qtr panel are messed up
why don't people secure loads in there vehicles? i have 2 buckets of ratchet tie downs in my truck at all times, and when i have a car on my trailer it is tied all 4 corners, and i carry chains and binders in case of a strap letting loose.....just don't understand.
and you wanna know the GREATEST part of it is. i know who did it and i went to the police but they said in quote '' not our problem'' maybe you should have been a little more careful driving over hills
and you wanna know the GREATEST part of it is. i know who did it and i went to the police but they said in quote '' not our problem'' maybe you should have been a little more careful driving over hills

WTF! Thats disgusting! So what IS their problem then? Its not like you are complaining about a speeder or something that they have no chance of ever finding. YOU told them WHO did it...thats just JACKED! I think that would P.O> more than hitting a stove! well almost.

Sorry bro. that blows!

WHAT? Not their problem? Is the stove's owner a friend of the sherriff or something?
If nothing else it's at least littering.
yea crooked cops here in the big MO. its pretty much all about who you know. they said i don't have liable evidence so there's no point in looking it in and i should be careful on hills. i want to get my 72 dart running but i need so many parts like a leaf spring 4 shocks a starter manual steering box 4 wheels BBp and i think thats all
WOW unbeleivable! I'd be tellin them to start writing a report so that I can make an insurance claim! I'd also make them take all day writing every single detail related or not so as to waste their friggin time and maybe just maybe they'll think befor giving such stupid a$$ answers to someone the next time it's "not thier problem".

This kinds attitude from public servants paid by taxpayors money pisses me right off!
and you wanna know the GREATEST part of it is. i know who did it and i went to the police but they said in quote '' not our problem'' maybe you should have been a little more careful driving over hills
HOLD THE PHONE :read2: So this guy can just drop a stove in the road, That would be littering and he should be responsible for the damage ...
Sorry to here the bad news mopardart, But I believe the owner of said stove should be lucky know one was hurt and it sounds like the law enforcement is just drawing a pay check and don't give a hoot!!
WOW unbeleivable! I'd be tellin them to start writing a report so that I can make an insurance claim! I'd also make them take all day writing every single detail related or not so as to waste their friggin time and maybe just maybe they'll think befor giving such stupid a$$ answers to someone the next time it's "not thier problem".

This kinds attitude from public servants paid by taxpayors money pisses me right off!
X2 Kernel
Get your insurance company in on it. They will get some action out of the cops if not out of the person who lost the stove.
i'm out of a car and the owner of the stove won't help pay for damages hes a so called friend of my grandfathers. we were gunna take him to court but i might get a running 72 dart to drive out of this plus it would just be cheaper to fix my car than to have court costs. it messed alot of stuff up
What? He's not suing you for damage to his stove? I'm sure the cops would be all over that!
"I'm starved!!!! I hate moving day. Found some boxes with "Kitchen" on them and unpacked some pots and stuff so I can cook supper. But where's the stove? I thought we put it in the truck???"

How can people be so dumb? Sorry to hear about your car, and to hear about the lack of response and inaction from your local law enforcement. Bet if the Chief's wife had hit that thing instead of you the story would be very different.
yea crooked cops here in the big MO. its pretty much all about who you know. they said i don't have liable evidence so there's no point in looking it in and i should be careful on hills. i want to get my 72 dart running but i need so many parts like a leaf spring 4 shocks a starter manual steering box 4 wheels BBp and i think thats all

I have a starter you can have its the big one though. pay the shipping and its yours came out of a sb
just pm me
.............Tell him if he doesnt take responsibility 4 his carelessness u will report him 2 the state...liscencing board.....which would mean that the would have 2 take his drivers test again[im presuming hes an old person].............he will probably change his tune, as im sure he wont want 2 take the driving test ...............
At the very least the stove guy should be ticketed for an unsecured load and be made to pay for damages to your car.
WOW unbeleivable! I'd be tellin them to start writing a report so that I can make an insurance claim! I'd also make them take all day writing every single detail related or not so as to waste their friggin time and maybe just maybe they'll think befor giving such stupid a$$ answers to someone the next time it's "not thier problem".

This kinds attitude from public servants paid by taxpayors money pisses me right off!
