


Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Lighten up guys.... go ahead and post more degrading topics on women. Now THATS funny stuff. But hands off on " Our leader"

Me thinks some people need more fiber in their diet. They sound a bit cranky..... :wink:

I'll see you guys over in the tech section only from now on. Thanks for censoring my topic and turning this place into MoParts........ :roll:
This will be my last and only commentary on politics here. I did not write it however, Pat Sajak did.

"Arguing with Liberals, and Why I've Stopped"

Every time I argue with a Liberal, I’m reminded of quarrels I used to have with my parents. The battles never seemed fair because my folks decided what the rules were and what was out of bounds. In addition, because they were parents, they could threaten me in ways I couldn’t threaten them, and they could say things I could never say.

Recently, for example, I was discussing the United Sates Supreme Court with one of my many Liberal friends out in Los Angeles when she said, without any discernable embarrassment, that Justice Anton Scalia was “worse than Hitler”. Realizing she wasn’t alive during World War II and perhaps she may have been absent on those days when her schoolmates were studying Nazism, I reminded her of some of Hitler’s more egregious crimes against humanity, suggesting she may have overstated the case. She had not; Scalia was worse. As I often did when my parents threatened to send me to my room, I let the conversation die.

Aside from being rhetorically hysterical—and demeaning to the memory of those who suffered so terribly as a result of Hitler and the Nazis—it served to remind me of how difficult it is to have serious discussions about politics or social issues with committed members of the Left. They tend to do things like accusing members of the Right of sowing the seeds of hatred while, at the same time, comparing them to mass murderers. And they do this while completely missing the irony.

The moral superiority they bring to the table allows them to alter the playing field and the rules in their favor. They can say and do things the other side can’t because, after all, they have the greater good on their side. If a Conservative—one of the bad guys—complains about the content of music, films or television shows aimed at children, he is being a prude who wants to tell other people what to read or listen to or watch; he is a censor determined to legislate morality. If, however, a Liberal complains about speech and, in fact, supports laws against certain kinds of speech, it is right and good because we must be protected from this “hate speech” or “politically incorrect” speech. (Of course, they—being the good guys—will decide exactly what that is.)

Protests about Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado professor and self-proclaimed Native American, who, among other things, likened some Sept. 11 victims to Adolf Eichmann (there go those pesky Nazis again), were characterized by much of the Left as an effort to stifle academic freedom. But, when Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers’ job is put in jeopardy over a caveat-filled musing about science and gender, it’s okay, because what he said was sooo wrong (even if it has to be mis-characterized to make the point).

When Liberals want to legislate what you’re allowed to drive or what you should eat or how much support you can give to a political candidate or what you can or can’t say, they are doing it for altruistic reasons. The excesses of the Left are to be excused because these folks operate from the higher moral ground and the benefit of the greater wisdom and intelligence gained from that perspective.

In a different West Coast conversation, I complained to another Liberal friend about some of the Left’s tone concerning the 2004 elections. I thought it insulting to hear those “red state” voters caricatured as red-necked rubes. My friend asked, “Well, don’t you think that people who live in large urban areas, who travel and read and speak other languages are better able to make informed choices?” It turns out it is superiority, not familiarity, which breeds contempt.

The rhetoric has become so super-heated that, sadly, I find myself having fewer and fewer political discussions these days. And while I miss the spirited give-and-take, when Supreme Court Justices become worse than Hitler and when those who vote a certain way do so because they’re idiots, it’s time to talk about the weather."
Guitar Jones said:
This will be my last and only commentary on politics here. I did not write it however, Pat Sajak did.

Pat Sajak? Isn't he that Wheel of Fortune guy?
FASTBACK340 said:
Lighten up guys.... go ahead and post more degrading topics on women. Now THATS funny stuff. But hands off on " Our leader"

Me thinks some people need more fiber in their diet. They sound a bit cranky..... :wink:

Hmmmm wonder who he's talking about :scratch:
What's your problem John i thought you had a good sense of humor?

My post your speaking of wasn't ment to be degrading to ANYONE it was just ment to be funny,i then apologised for it because i thought it offended some member's!
But then you turned around and trashed Bush because you thought it was funny and apparently didn't think anyone would get irritated at it!

So i guess it's only funny and not offending if you post it.

I have said what i needed to say on this subject and i will not say anymore on it.
Sorry if i offended anyone! AGAIN :!:
politics can get dirty, im from the big bad blue state but i voted red, and the arguments can get pretty crazy, i just avoid it now. How about them Dodgers :D
What a bunch of crap..lighten up it was a joke..If this is the way the board is run, well I think someone might want to take a step back and relax...Presidents, queens, kings and Prime Ministers all have cracks and jokes fired upon them..Goes with the territory..Lighten up fellows It was a JOKE...
Ok heres the deal. I thougth Johns joke the other day was kinds funny. If you dont agree with something posted the best thing to do is ignore the post like its not even there.

Starting an argument does nothing but get the thread locked. I think since this board started I've only had to do that twice. I dont like doing it and no one likes to see it happen.
Loosen up a little guy's. Bush or Kerry look pretty damn good next to the jokers we got running our country. You guy's should read about our Prime Minister, Paul Martin, or his predeccesor, Jean Cretin, (spelled that way on purpose), if you want to know how lucky you have it.

AdamR said:
Ok heres the deal. I thougth Johns joke the other day was kinds funny. If you dont agree with something posted the best thing to do is ignore the post like its not even there.

Starting an argument does nothing but get the thread locked. I think since this board started I've only had to do that twice. I dont like doing it and no one likes to see it happen.

It probably wasn't even the joke that was bad, it was the parting shot at the end, the little twist and turn of the knife. The problem is Adam is that it's pretty hard to ignore it when someone takes a pot shot at something that you hold dear. Whether it's your values, beliefs, or even loved ones. If someone called your value judgments into question I doubt you'd be able to ignore it either. It's a fruitless exercise that doesn't serve any purpose except to divide people. Just take a look at how quickly the thread turned and tell me people don't have strong beliefs here. Do you really think you can ignore that?

My son is also a member here, do you think I'd just ignore it if someone was trashing him? No way, it's all about respect and when you trash someone or their beliefs you have disrespected them. What has made it worse was to turn around and blame others for getting "his" thread censored. Typical, it's never their own fault, always someone else's doing. Reread my first post in this thread and tell me that isn't the case.
Ok, that's enough you guys! Stop it now or I'm gonna knock all of your heads together!

There's no room for political nonsense on this board. You get two people together, especially talking about politics, and there's gonna be a difference of opinion and an argument. :violent1:

So let's not even get into that area of discussion, leave your politics at the door when you walk into here! Argue about small block vs. big block, Vitamin C vs. Plum Crazy, Crane cams vs. Lunati, but no liberal vs. conservative, Bush vs. Kerry or democrat vs. republican stuff!

Everybody involved, step back, take a deep breath and put yourself into time-out for a minute. If you're all good afterwards you can each have a cookie.

I agree with Mikel.
Come on guys don't turn this, the best site on the web, into that
other fighting arena on the web.

Make nice a joke is a joke. Some like it some think its bad taste.
Thats what make us individuals. :salut:
mikelbeck said:
Everybody involved, step back, take a deep breath and put yourself into time-out for a minute. If you're all good afterwards you can each have a cookie.


Only if they're chocolate chip cookies, I don't care for Oreos. :D
My last words.
I guess i should not have said anythying about John's post and just kept my opinion to myself,it just rubbed me the wrong way at his little comment at the end.
I always liked John i think he is a good guy,he was even here last year and couldn't have been nicer!

So John i'm sorry for jumping on you like that i was wrong!

Adam i'm sorry for starting an argument on your board it honestly wasn't my intention to do so.

As much as i love this board and all it's member's i'm gonna leave, maybe i'll be back maybe i won't.

It's been fun,have a good one guys.
I know no one was out to start trouble. There will always be differances in opinions and its bound to upset people once and awhile.

If you see something you dont like PM one of the Mods or Admins. thats what we're here for. If you want to post something you think may be controversial PM one of us and ask what we think or may be dont post it.

Remember, We've grown a lot in the past few month. Lots of new members, Lots of new personalities and lots of differant opinions. We've never really had a set of rules for the board, never really needed them.

I will get together with the other mods and we will come up with some rules to keep problems from coming up again.

No one is to blame here, Lets just take a bit of a breather and relax. If you have conserns or rules you would like to see let one of the Mods or admins know so we get talk them all over.

Kev, You cant go. You love us to much. We'll see you in a few. :D
Guitar Jones said:
But you're a German with a Dart so you are alright by us. :D

thats right - and I dont want to put fuel in the fire - but my last name is like youre president's but with a "c" in it. :wink:

But to come to the point: yep, I'm right here... :lol:
Sheesh, I haven't been around here in awhile and I come back to this?!? Everyone involved go take a laxative.
gts340 said:
Sheesh, I haven't been around here in awhile and I come back to this?!?

Just what I was thinking :roll: Its just growing pains. Now we know a little more about each other and how far we can take things before we offend someone. Both John and Kev are great guys and they make this place a great place. So theres a little difference in opinions, we'll just stay away from that subject and go on with our Mopar life. Now both of you better stay around or I'll have to come over there and hammer on you personally :axe: Oops I better watch what I say, I don't have an ocean separating us anymore :geek: