Holy Crap!



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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Watch the guy when he goes to the lathe.
Loose clothing can kill you.
Sorry, can’t find it again.
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We were preached at constantly about loose clothing and long hair around ANY moving machinery. I can't tell you how many people I've seen injured because they DO NOT realize how quick something like that can happen.
When i was in school to be a machinist they showed us pics of what can happen... **** that... those lessons stick.. one was a long haired hippies scalp/hair wrapped around a drill spindle...
I'm a commercial HVAC guy, and years ago I worked for a manufacturer of VERY large equipment, and while doing some work on a 400 ton penthouse rooftop unit in Newton, Kansas, I was almost killed. It was summertime in Kansas, hotter than hell out, and I had my long sleeve shirt untucked and my sleeves rolled-up in an attempt to keep cool. My work-partner needed me to go inside the air tunnel to check (something, I don't recall exactly), and while I was walking in the 30" plenum space between the steam humidifier manifolds and the 54" plenum fans, my shirt tail started getting sucked into the intake of one of the fans. Scared the hell outta me, as there was enough force in the airstream that it damn near sucked me in there with it, had I been just "that" much slower in my reaction time.

I've never worn loose clothing around anything spinning from that day forward.
Risk Management and accident investigations is what I do for a living.

You guys wouldn't believe the **** I've seen over the last 20 years. Pallet Machines, lathes, and bandsaw accidents are the worst of them. I can't unsee some of this stuff.
An incident comes to mind and it has nothing to do with industrial machinery. many years back when paper shredders first came in to play in offices, they hired a high school graduate to help out in the office. She was a really nice girl, she dressed sharp and did anything required to help out. She was given the task of shredding some proprietary and confidential paperwork. Everything was going great until we heard a scream from the area she was working in, when we ran to the room and her hair had gotten too close to the shredder and pulled it in until the side of her face was pulled to the top of the machine. Just as we pulled the power cord, the shredder pulled a baseball sized chunk of her hair out. Luckily the office nurse was able to stop the bleeding in short order and other than that she was unharmed. I still see her at events and to this day she has to color her hair because when it grew back it was about 7 shades lighter than the rest.
Lathes makes me nervous as hell, and I'm okay with that. I feel like a healthy level of respect is a good thing. Once you get too comfortable around machinery is when bad things can happen.

We were called to a chicken processing plant where a worker was cleaning a piece of equipment that "chewed" up the chicken. She had her hand in the business end and somehow it turned on. She's lucky to be alive, because it jammed when it got to her wrist. Strangest thing was that production didn't stop in the plant...... a dozen firemen and cops trying to help this poor lady and workers were stepping over and around us like WE were in the way.

Machines bite, especially table saws.
Absolutely, precisely why I own a SawStop.
A buddies friend lost his good part of his finger on his serpentine belt on his supercharged Chevy truck he’s had since high school. Ripped the skin right off, was pretty gnarly.
I have an amateur radio buddy, sharp, intelligent guy, retired USAF big bird pilot and retired commercial pilot, flew Alaskan for awhile. Got on the air one night and was telling us he was checking the timing on an old Ford flatlbed he has "and for some reason" stuck one of his fingers in the fan. "chopped it right off."

Why I still have everything is beyond me
15 years ago I damn near killed myself by wearing a watch while working on a 1200kw standby generator. To this day I haven’t worn jewelry.
One of our employees not long ago got his hand “smashed” off by a tube bender. Not cut off, but smashed off. That was a bad day at work.
15 years ago I damn near killed myself by wearing a watch while working on a 1200kw standby generator. To this day I haven’t worn jewelry.
One of our employees not long ago got his hand “smashed” off by a tube bender. Not cut off, but smashed off. That was a bad day at work.
i'm a total sicko... but how?!??

i worked with a pipe fitter who damn near cut his hand in two. he was holding the open end of a pipe and it rolled, said it went thru his glove and most of his hand like a hot knife thru butter.

also, i share the same philosophy: no rings, no watches. i don't even like having my phone in my pocket when working on stuff. but i do wear a pocket protector with a bunch of crap in it; i figure if that gets hooked up i have bigger problems befalling me than to worry about the ramifications of having it.
por que no los dos?
I was working on a faulty transfer switch (idiotically with the genset running and under load) and the power jumped from the buss to my watch. It was like a flash of lightning and it blew me backwards about 2 feet. I landed on my ***. Thankfully I wasn’t holding on to anything or I’d be gone. Melted my skin in the shape of my watch all the way around my arm.

We dont know exactly how the guy at work got his arm caught in the tube bender and he doesn’t remember the incident. But his arm, just above the wrist got pinched between a 3” pipe and the bending die and he didn’t get his foot off the pedal quick enough. We found his hand, still in the glove, on the ground.
This ain't purdy. I'm warnin you now.
That ^^^^ was brutal.
I'm surprised the lathe even hung up. When I first saw it, I thought "good, someone will have time enough to cut it off and save him." But that didn't last long.
I'm surprised the lathe even hung up. When I first saw it, I thought "good, someone will have time enough to cut it off and save him." But that didn't last long.
did it hang up or did it just pull him under? it looks like he initially got yanked in and under and is just stunned, and then he moves/adjusts and well, the rest...

i watched that initial sequence a few times, but didn't go full on zapruder on it.
Lathes eat steel like it's pancakes... You think flesh is gonna stop it....

And yeah that last one is crazy... But leaning over the lathe??? He signed his own fate...
did it hang up or did it just pull him under? it looks like he initially got yanked in and under and is just stunned, and then he moves/adjusts and well, the rest...

i watched that initial sequence a few times, but didn't go full on zapruder on it.
It appears the lathe hung up for a few seconds. I didn't notice it turning when he became hung under it. But I'm like you, I didn't get the magnifying glass out. Either way, it's a real shame. Someone right there might have had enough time to stop it. He was still alive until it began spinning him. It was all over from the first revolution.
Lathes eat steel like it's pancakes... You think flesh is gonna stop it....

And yeah that last one is crazy... But leaning over the lathe??? He signed his own fate...
Right....and you know, sometimes it's the MOST experienced of guys who that happens to, because they get complacent and don't think about it.