Horror movies....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Seeing this thread made me think of bad horror movies I have watched. A former co -worked watched nothing but B-rated horror onto some. Frankenhooker, Jackhammer Massacre are two of the most memorable ones...anybody care to share....a horror movie so bad you just had to watch it again....
Evil Dead II

nothing else even comes close

it's so bad it's actually very good!

After seeing it, I was over the entire horror genre for good.

...but I'll ALWAYS watch Evil Dead when it's on.
the worst movie I ever started watching was something called poultrygeist
the idea is someone build a KFC type restaurant on an old indian burial ground and all the fried chicken went evil

wasn't no where near as good as it sounds
Whatever that "Saw" (Jigsaw) series is called. .............I refuse.........to.............
CHUD, was an 80s horror movie about someone's pet or something that got flushed and rose again from the New York city sewer. One of the cheesiest movies I've seen. Not much better was Toxic Avenger. I'm not sure if it was a really bad horror movie or a really bad comedy.
The worst was blood sucking freaks. Had nothing to do with the title, but it was so gross, my sister couldn't take anymore and made me turn it off.
Um, Sharknado.....

oh, and "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil" sucked hard. Great concept, just a bad movie.
Anything early,from early Troma Productions.My favorite,"Surf Nazis must die",circa 1987. A trio of rouge surfer clubs,go on a killing spree.One of the mothers of the killed,goes on a retaliation spree."Toxic Avenger",as well.
We love most any kinda horror movies. From the best to the worst. The stupid ones are sometimes the best. We laughed our asses off all the way through Sharknado. Frankenfish is another I highly recommend. Most anything with Danny Trejo. Love the guy. He's a real American success story.
CHUD: Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers. And no, I didn't have to look that up!
Squirm: Killer earthworms brought from way down deep when power lines are downed and zap the ground.
Motel Hell: A motel owner and his daughter also sell the county's best meat. And the motel's guests are disappearing. Stay out of the garden!
Dracula 3000: Worst movie I've ever seen. All I'm saying.
All those sound right up our alley.

Hay yall remember when they used to pass out barf bags at the movies? Ahh the good old days.

At least Troma KNOWS they're bad.
Religion is not your afraid you may go to hell
but it's respect for thanking god how he put you here in the first place
and giving you life and him keeping you in check to keep you happy during you life with faith
and with the faith comes the heavings

Seeing this thread made me think of bad horror movies I have watched. A former co -worked watched nothing but B-rated horror onto some. Frankenhooker, Jackhammer Massacre are two of the most memorable ones...anybody care to share....a horror movie so bad you just had to watch it again....
Religion is not your afraid you may go to hell
but it's respect for thanking god how he put you here in the first place
and giving you life and him keeping you in check to keep you happy during you life with faith
and with the faith comes the heavings

We be puking up what?

Is this about the barf bags they used to hand out in theaters?

Time to call Sgt. kabuki man, NYPD?

You gotta love Troma's attitude.
Religion is not your afraid you may go to hell
but it's respect for thanking god how he put you here in the first place
and giving you life and him keeping you in check to keep you happy during you life with faith
and with the faith comes the heavings

Where the CRAP did that come from? This is about horror movies.
The Tingler....Vincent Price doing research on fear. Like so often he's unhappily married to a rich lady and they trade campy barbs back and forth. Psychedelic drugs, an old theater run by a man and his deaf-mute wife add interest to the story.

The Wasp Woman...Cosmetic company maven over-medicates herself with a youth-serum.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Mars Attacks, any Zombie movie, ugh

Mars Attacks is a classic. Right up there with the greats. I bout had it with zombie movies myself though. Although Zombieland was a hoot.
We used to have a certain channel and on very late Saturday nights they would play B rated movies I would say some were C's LOL. So back in my partying days we would chug a few drinks and then watch a couple of them in a row. The only one I can name off the top of my head was Rats. Awful Awful Awful.
Rats was a goodun. Yall just have no sense of humor. Remember the original of Willard?