HOT MOPAR DOGS show off your dog or if you dont have dog get one

Here's a couple of pictures of my old buddy, Jager.

Here he is on the couch.

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Here he is smiling, trying to get out of trouble with his "cute smile"...

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Here is a video of Jager smiling.

[ame=""]Dalmatian Smiling - YouTube[/ame]

Here is a video of Skylar playing with his ball, and Jager on the couch.

[ame=""]Dalmatian puppy playing with ball - YouTube[/ame]
my wolf hybrid, bloodhound and lab


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Drag, those wolves are serious buisness! You got any more pics? I love em!
Amazing Boogie 14 years young :D
she has been with me since she was 8 weeks young.
Then there is Buddy :D He has been a great partner
here on the hill :happy1:
He has been with me since he was 9 weeks young :D
he will be 3 years young in October

My wife is jealous of them :toothy8:


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Hey KrazyKuda! That is too funny!

Our dog Olive, I posted photos of earlier,gives us that same look. It is so funny. We can always tell when we come home and sh'e gotten into something. She meets us at the door with that look on her face.


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Hey KrazyKuda! That is too funny!

Our dog Olive, I posted photos of earlier,gives us that same look. It is so funny. We can always tell when we come home and sh'e gotten into something. She meets us at the door with that look on her face.

Yeah, it's real cute when they try to sweet talk you out of trouble.... :D

Love the smile...


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My dog Pepper. wrestling with my friend Colen, and hanging out in the trailer with my wife Mary.


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Clyde is a Swiss Mountain Dog mix.


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A rare time.......they were awake....


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My two pals!

Sid with my daughter Dinky. He's a German Short Hair Pointer.

This is Charlie. Don't really know her breed. Just a pretty mutt.
My babies,,,both are much older now.


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I spilled spot remover on my dog...

Now he's gone....
Some good looking "2nd" family members here.

Well, here is my 12 year old Rott-Beagle mix, Lexi, with my blonde hair, blue eyed cutie. This was taken almost 2 years ago, but is one of my favorites. My dog is the most anti-social animal I have ever seen, but it's all bark and no bite. Just big enough and loud enough to scare people away. It's a shame she's getting old and the arthritis is setting in. She is going to be truly hard to replace.


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Some good looking "2nd" family members here.

Well, here is my 12 year old Rott-Beagle mix, Lexi, with my blonde hair, blue eyed cutie. This was taken almost 2 years ago, but is one of my favorites. My dog is the most anti-social animal I have ever seen, but it's all bark and no bite. Just big enough and loud enough to scare people away. It's a shame she's getting old and the arthritis is setting in. She is going to be truly hard to replace.

For the arthritis, talk to your vet about 2 drugs. Rimidyl and Cosequin. (check the spelling). My vet had my older Dal(matian) on Rimidyl for his arthritis and it helped ease the pain. He would sometimes forget he was old and try to jump off ledges and then "bottom out" because he was not as young as he used to be. Then the lady from Dalmatian rescue told me about Cosequin, so I asked my vet about it. He said it was a good idea and that we could use both drugs together. When used together, they act like Vicatin for people in the dogs. When I used them together, he didn't seem to be in as much (or any) pain. I used it on him until the end when the leg muscles were old and weak and he had to be put down :(

But I believe that it did ease the pain for him and make him more comfortable for him and easier for him to get around with the arthritis.
Chevy or Knucklehead,he goes with me truckin and has a million miles on him







[ame=""]Chevy likes that stuff - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Knucklehead - Car Videos on StreetFire[/ame]