How and should one start up a Mopar club?

After reading through this thread I can honestly say that we, the current members of Inland Mopars Car Club are really fortunate. Inland Mopars was established almost 23 years ago with the first official club meeting on December 11, 1994.
The club grew to 100+ members with the usual issue of core members doing most of the work as previously mentioned by others. We now number 26 member families and almost 100% are active and participate as their schedules allow in club activities. We average about 90% attendance at our monthly club meetings and very close to 100% support working at our annual all-Mopar charity-benefit car show. Without that support we wouldn't be able to pull off our annual car show since we generally draw close to 200 cars. We truly have a great group of current club members.
We have a club Constitution and by-laws that has been amended only once in the club history so the club founders got it pretty much right the first time.
I've been club president for the past few years and view my position solely as an administrator. The decisions are made by a majority vote of the club membership - not by a single person or a clique. We try to schedule our activities to accommodate the bulk of our club members schedules.
We hold our monthly club meetings in the banquet room of a restaurant whose location is the geographical center of the vast majority of our club membership. We meet for breakfast the 1st Sunday of each month about 9AM and start our club meetings at 10AM. Having our meetings at a restaurant around breakfast was key to bringing out most of the wives to our monthly club meetings. The wives attending our club meetings led to more of them also participating in our club events. Our current SoCal membership area runs about 68 miles east-to-west and 85 mile north-to-south. We also have a club member living in Australia and a member family in northern California not too far from the Oregon border. Needless to say we don't see either of them too often.
Our charitable focus is on kids and Veterans. The proceeds from our annual car show directly support the student programs at California School for the Deaf in Riverside. We also support our Veterans by active participation in both 'A Flag For Every Hero' events on both Memorial Day and Veterans Day at Riverside National Cemetery. We also contribute to and participate in 'Wreaths Across America' at Riverside National Cemetery. Additionally, we work in partnership with one of the local premier fabricator/build shops in the local area prior to Christmas each year to collect toys for the soldiers kids at Ft. Irwin (the U.S. Army National Training Center in the Mojave desert).
We also make it point to actively support and participate in the car shows put on by other Mopar car clubs in SoCal.
Bottom line is a club can be a lot of work but it's also very rewarding with the right members. We enjoy what we do and we also have a lot of fun!
Feel free to PM me if I can provide any additional information.