How do you like your steak?

Mikelbeck: I'm going to try that piece you described

67GTX: I like the sounds of that slab of butter on it.

The steaks are thawing as we speak. I'm out here cleaning the shop before the next project begins and listening to "YES" Rythum of love. What else would an old 57 yr old geezer listen to?.........Well i guess you caught me. I'm really checkin up on you peckerwoods. Maybe a pull off the old Kesslers or a cold MGD. Oh Phoebe Snow just came on the is tough here in the Ozarks......Lets see now... Where did i put that last cold MGD.....
I like a good sirloin home cooked medium rare but for $9.95 it's hard to beat Texas Roadhouse's 8 oz. siloin cut medium rare with baked potato and salad. I eat there on a regular basis and have eaten at some in different parts of the country and have never gotten a bad meal. I know it's not steak but it's beef...their ribs in my opinion are some if not the best I have ever eaten. I take all my out of town company and family there to eat and not a one has ever had a bad word.
There's nothing better than an 18oz New York Strip cooked medium well on a grille with two servings of seasoned mashed potatoes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....delicious! :supz:

Now...if only had a grille...and some mashed potatoes....and, ummmm, a New York Strip. #-o
Take a 3" or 4" dia. zucinni squash and cut off both ends and slice it long ways about 1/2" or 3/4" thick and rub it with olive oil and sprinkle the slices with cavenders greek seasoning and grill on one side and when slightly chared turn over and then spoon on some ragu chunky spagetti sauce and put some romano cheese on that and let melt and man... you talk about good. Had some yesterday with my crawfish feed. Your gonna like it.
What...No vote for the Chuck or Blade Steak...come on now. Very tasty and cheap,,o did I mention kinda chewy. But all the chuck steak ive eaten over the years has given me some strong jaws...LOL... But ,actually my favorite steak would be the Ribeye also,medium rare ty.
Ribeye medium cooked over charcoal (NO GAS). IF you have to rub or marinade your steak then you are doing somthing WRONG.Good beef dont need anything.
Like the flavor of the ribeye but the lean sirloin tastes almost as good with a bit healthier content. Seasoned with garlic salt and a light dusting of cayenne and freshly craked pepper before being sprayed with the butter flavored olive oil... Cooked medium rare on weber charcoal grill with wet mesquite chips and onion peels for the smoke...
Man, we got some serious steak folks here. Now I want to try all of these recipes you guys have posted but I'll have to look for a sale LOL. Thanks for all the replies.... I figured we had a bunch of serious meat eaters here. Keep the recipes coming.... yum yum
Sorry man,wish I could help.To hot in So-Cal right now.

Give me some cold sushi and a ice cold salad. lol

Come on now Johnny... I BBQ when it's a 110*+ outside.

For me, in order:
Filet Mignon
Rib eyes - boneless
Bone in rib eyes

All with nothing more than some garlic salt and black pepper. Agreed, a good steak needs no serious seasoning. Cooked med rare. Cooked just until the juices start to push out the top after being turned. Flip and let juices push out the other side, DONE!

ALWAYS done over charcoal with mesquite chips. Only gas here is out my rear after eating some good brocolli with my steak... :-D
sharing my secrets? I can't believe it....

heavily seasoned new york (1 1/2"-2" thick) (salt and pepper), cast iron grill pan that has been on the burner until it's smoking hot.. one minute down, turned 45 degrees, another minute. turned over, and put into 400 degree oven for a few more minutes.. til medium rare. gets the house nice and beef smokey.

would do it outside, but I don't have a grill that will get as hot as the grill pan...

...likewise. it don't get too hot here to grill. The thermometer on my grill indicates as high as 600-700 degrees. I could cremate a steak if i choose to do so. Med rare for me.