How dumb can you be?!

I think of the word LOSER!!!
That guy needs 50 years at Ft. Leavenworth making big rocks into little rocks!!! I hope that the sub had insurance on it, so the taxpayer doesn't take another hit in the @$$!
Did you watch the video? It has a picture of said dumbass
Back in the good old days, we used to call it "keelhauling"

In the late '60s I was aboard the U.S.S. Simon Lake at Holy Loch, Scotland repairing the original generation of Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines. That creep DID get a lengthy sentence, didn't he??

And, NO! The U.S. government is "Self Insured". Meaning: the taxpayers get to pay for his selfishness!

On 1 March 2012 Miami pulled into the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine for a scheduled 20-month Engineered Overhaul (EOH) and system upgrades. A civilian employee started a fire aboard the boat on 23 May 2012. It impacted the forward compartment of the submarine which includes crew living, command and control spaces and torpedo room. The Navy's revised estimate to restore the USS Miami increased to cost approximately $450 million with completion estimated on 30 April 2015. Due to budget cuts, it was announced August 6, 2013, that the vessel would not be repaired and placed on the inactive list.[2]

On 6 August 2013, the U.S. Navy announced it will scrap the USS Miami, concluding the cost of repairs is more than it can afford in a time of budget cuts