How I spent my Friday morning...



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Roscoe (P Coltrane) IL
While driving to work yesterday, I was stopped for a car that was turning. For some reason I looked up into my mirror and say a woman in a black chevy malibu. F*** shes gonna hit me. As I i tried to go limp all I heard was the thump of the impact (no attempt to brake) and the sensation of blacking out and then waking up without being able to see( lost my glasses). After shaking the cobwebs, I slowly get out, find my phone and call 911. The lady hit me so hard I skidded 30 feet and hit another car that got sent 30 feet too. Well needless to say I spent the afternoon in the ER with 2 dilocated elbows, whip lash, one dislocated knee and another with fluid on the knee and a torn miniscus. So without further ado my poor lil neon that saved my life.


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Ouch. That "B" was probably sending a text or something. I hope you heal quickly- sounds like you're pretty beat up.
Yup she was, cop said she got multiple tickets. Atleast I got some norco hehe that helps but I have to use a cane to walk. She told me she didnt see my tailights. Well when your looking down you probally can't. Please don't text and drive.

BTW Neon for sale slightly used.
Yup she was, cop said she got multiple tickets. Atleast I got some norco hehe that helps but I have to use a cane to walk. She told me she didnt see my tailights. Well when your looking down you probally can't. Please don't text and drive.

BTW Neon for sale slightly used.

Sue the ever-loving $#!+ out of the dumb (you know what). Make sure she pays dearly for this.

Tickets..... TICKETS!!!! She needs a hell-of-alot more than just stupid tickets. Sheesh!! :angry7:


Wylde i got the best ambulance chaser in town! Plus I'll be screwed on the KBB of the car. The car had a new ported and polished head, new cams, new exhaust, aluminum flywheel and clutch plus it was a rare color combination. Amethyst and tan. And I loved that car.
Glad you're ok, that sounds like a really crappy way to end your week. Strong little neon you have, well...had.

My Aunt was rear-ened like that earlier this year. She has been having back and neck problems as a result. Here's a quote from the stupid woman that hit her: "Well, I only looked down for a second." -- Dumb ahole.

It really ticks me off that some people do this crap while they are driving. Blackberry's, Iphones, GPS devices, etc. have made our roads a much more dangerous place. Unfortunately, laws may not be enough to stop this crap from happening in the future.
I can't believe the lack of common sense possessed by members of our supposedly modern and intelligent society.
I take issue with the GPS hazzard mentioned by mopardart. I'm sure that was referring to drivers entering addresses while under motion. Used as intended, though, I feel it makes me a safer driver, because I'm paying attention to traffic, instead of looking for road signs / landmarks in unfamiliar territory.

I'm sure the lawyer will look into this, but if the text was work related, and or vehicle company owned, her employer could be liable. Or at least there could be some repercussions there.

Hope the recovery is swift and complete.
damn dude that poor little neon is done for But at least you walked away only lightly battered. I'd be suing the pants off of that lady.
I can't believe the lack of common sense possessed by members of our supposedly modern and intelligent society.
I take issue with the GPS hazzard mentioned by mopardart. I'm sure that was referring to drivers entering addresses while under motion. Used as intended, though, I feel it makes me a safer driver, because I'm paying attention to traffic, instead of looking for road signs / landmarks in unfamiliar territory.

I'm sure the lawyer will look into this, but if the text was work related, and or vehicle company owned, her employer could be liable. Or at least there could be some repercussions there.

Hope the recovery is swift and complete.

Yeah, I was referring to the people who look down at the screens will they are driving. The GPS devices are great if used appropriately. Anything that makes you take your eyes off of the road while driving is a distraction.
I would sue the **** out of her too! Imagine if you had stopped and a kid was crossing in front of you? It amazes me how many tickets people can rack up and still have a license.
I'm glad you came out of it alive. Here in Winnipeg we had a drunk 17 year old girl go through a red light at a major intersection. She killed two girls in the car she hit. It was mentioned that she may have been texting when she hit the other car. When are we going to learn?
Glad you came out of it with no more injurues than you got. I also hope that nothing else popps up in the future. You never know. I am not a litigious person by any means, but I have to agree here. File suit against her. She'll not learn any other way.
Im sorry to hear about this. I was rear ended in June.....still havent gone back to work.
Thanks guys, good thing I'm a big tough guy. The pain is better but my knees and back are still really bad. Thank God for pain pills. I plan on suing, because my back and knee are probally gonna be permanant. I went and looked at the car yesterday and I think I know why my knee hurts so bad, It hit the dash so hard that it broke off the dash trim and cracked it in half. The Dr. said I probally would have fractured my neck if it hadnt been so big lol. Thank goodness for being fat lol.
Varlo that sucks,Pain and suffering my friend!! I should be able to work since i can sit and teach, but I;m using a cane to get around. Like i said she claimed to not see my tailights because of the sun, same sun that i was able to drive in and stop behind the car....... plus my tailights are pretty big since the neon has a big *** lol.
Glad to hear that your up and around. Like StrokerScamp said, I'm not a litigious person, either, but you've done the right thing. As you said, this could be permanent and making sure all your medical expenses for the future is paid is a good thing.
Sorry about the car, it looks like it was real nice, too! :angry7: Damn shame!

Gotta hand it to the Neons though, for holding up so well. I had a friend get hit hard in the driver's door and walked away. Another friend's kid rolled one at over 100mph and was basically just bruised and scratched. Glad you weren't hurt worse!

Yes, that's the engine (what's left of it) behind the car. The trans is holding up the other side of the car. The passenger compartment is pretty much intact and the driver's door still opened/closed with some effort.
Glad your ok. Sorry about your car. Neons in good shape are getting hard to find around here. If there is any chance you are buying it back for the parts my mother is selling her 97 Neon Sport sedan. It's a lot rougher than yours was but it's the same color. YOu could get some use out of the parts anyway and her car will be cheap.
It's a good thing you survived it. You are injured pretty bad though. You have to get something out of it financially out of her to pay for the loss-(time lost from work, lost car,etc.) and maybe a little extra. A friend of mine asked the court not for big money, but for the person to have to do community service picking up trash along the highway with the regular "Daisy Chain" crew for a certain number of hours. Public humiliation :)
park it in the yard till they replace it. if some one stop by abount byeing it tell the someday your going to fix let then take it till after it,s paid for or replaced. CAUSE I,M GOING TO FIX IT SOME DAY. hope you feel beter soon.
My brother-in-law (well, wife's HALF brother) was killed in a neon. He was hit by a suburban, the engine was on one side of a 4-lane, the rest of the car was in the median and he was on the other side. He would have lived through the accident if he had buckled in after he stole the neon and took off through a red light. I'm sorry someone had to die, but the world is a better place.
Every time I think that we have too many laws, something like this happens. Do we really NEED alaw that says "don't text while driving"? I guess we do. How do morons reproduce so quickly?