How many guys are married to a R.N....



Mikes post me wondering how many of us car guys are married to R.N.' wifes been one for 22 years she takes care of new moms and plays with babies at work..
Not me!!!
Mine go's to work in heals and is a director at a hospital here in town.
I am the dr. here. I worked with doctors for 13 years as a maintenance and safety director and kept a grade A with osha for ten years.
Two o.r rooms that served out patients.
my boys would rather me stitch them up then go to the dr.
I always kept up with the EMT's until 5 years ago.
My wife has her BSN and has been a RN for about 29 years. She currently works as a charge nurse in a correctional facility. Jeff
My wife is a Family Practice Physician. Considering the hours she has to put in, I don't know that I'd recommend that type of work to anybody. I'm an X-ray Tech, but for now I'm staying home taking care of the kids & spending as much money on my cars as I can get away with. :toothy10:

My wife is an RN and is currently in school going for her masters degree to become a Nurse Practitioner. P.S. She has been a certified P.I.T.A. for the entire time I have known her :cheers:
My wife has her LPN license. She worked in a mental hospital before hooking up with me. :king:
She says it comes in handy... :poke:
My wife is a DOMESTIC GODDESS! That title includes bandging my skinned knuckles and scrapes and scratches from tinkering with the cars and around the House! I keep Her pretty busy at that,I happen to be accident pronged I guess! I am always getting a new bobo! Also being a heart patient and on lots of meds keeps Her busy. All the laundry she has to do,housecleaning,shopping,She takes care of all the bills,banking,etc.
Then there are the messes I make all the time that she has to clean up. But after I cook Her a nice dinner She is usually HAPPY! I like to cook and she likes my cooking ,maybe that has been the secret for 32 years! You know the old saying! The way to a Womans heart is through her stomach! LOL I believe I have that backwards ! I know the way to a mans heart is buy him another classic car or a bunch of new parts for the one or ones he has!! A Woman has a tough Job taking care of a Home and Family:love7:
Nikki went to college to be a doctor but then realized that most people aren't worth saving so she went to work at a vet clinic. Now she is the hospital manager at a specialty vet clinic. They do stuff like kemo on cats and big $5000 surgery on dogs, all referal only.

She isn't a nurse but has the costume. :snakeman: :downtown:
My wife is an accountant also.
I am a Pediatric Respiratory Therapist and work excusively in Pedi ICU and Neonatal ICU. I get to play with the kids too and I go on ALOT of delivery's.:sign10:
I passed the state boards for EMT and CNA while I was going to Respiratory school, but I have never worked as either one.
My wife is a RN Grad. She is waiting to take the state boards. Like a lawyer takes the bar exam, she's looking to take the NCLEX-RN exam March 6th.
I know she'll pass.

1969340dart --- My wife is a DOMESTIC GODDESS! That title includes bandging my skinned knuckles and scrapes and scratches from ...... I know the way to a mans heart is buy him another classic car or a bunch of new parts for the one or ones he has!! A Woman has a tough Job taking care of a Home and Family

LOL, AMEN! I played the Mr. Mom part on and off for a long time and did everything in the house while she worked and went to school and.... The list just goes on and on.

While I love to cook myself, the whole kit and kabootle is alot to do. I remember times when my daughter was 2 years old coming to the side door calling me. My arms gease covered to my elbows and hearing the words, "Daddy, my diaper" And all I could say was "Didn't I just change you?"
You now what them things look like when there overfilled with liquid right!?!?!?

I am a Pediatric Respiratory Therapist and work excusively in Pedi ICU and Neonatal ICU. I get to play with the kids too and I go on ALOT of delivery's.
My wife this morning is almost green with envy at your job discription. She's looking very foward to this job and would love yours. Yours to 340srule.
my wife is part indian and part bull dog i think. she is either on the prowl or set is seating on her butt gralling at me.