How many light bulbs in a '73 Dart dash-cluster?



May 1, 2011
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Since I had only 1 bulb trying it's best to illuminate the lefthand corner of the speedometer I decided go ahead and try my luck at replacing all the bulbs with led lights with the cluster still in place.

While fumbling around on the back of the cluster I managed to locate 3 bulb-holders. Got 2 of them replaced and managed to remove a 3rd one just above the column, but in a very slick way managed to drop the holder somewhere between the columnbrackets, never to be found again.

I searched and looked at wiring diagram but it didn't show the dash lightning, so, how many lighting bulbs are there in the cluster, and further more, can they be reached and replaced with the cluster still mounted?
There are 9 bulbs total if it has the fasten seatbelt light. If your replacing all of them it might be easier to drop the column down and pull the whole cluster.
I'm just trying to replace the ones that take care of lighting the instrument gauges for now. I've found 3 so far.
There are only 3 bulbs that light the gauges, one is behind the ammeter, and two are behind the top corners of the speedometer. The rest are turn signals, high beam, and warning lights.
A lot of times it's bad bulb housings or oxidation on the circuit boards and not the bulbs. I would (and have) pull the cluster and check / replace them all while it's out.
I might still have to pull the cluster as I have dropped the right most bulb and socket somewhere in the column brackets.
I put white leds in the other 2 sockets but the blue caps inside the cluster dim the leds too much so I'll probably want to remove them.
I say pull the cluster. Just unbolt the column at the floor, and sometimes you don't need to do that.

Pull the two nuts and one bolt out of the brackets and drop it down. Reach up and unclip the speedo cable, and of course, !!!unhook the BATTERY GROUND!!!!

I agree, good chance that there are other issues, poor contact with the stud/ nuts on the gauges, clean up the contacts on the voltage limiter, clean the contact areas for the lamp sockets, loosen/ tighten all the screws, and make sure there is a good solid ground wire from the cluster to the dash frame.
If you pull all the screws that hold the cluster in the dash and start pulling it from the left first (Meaning Lift the left side out first) then you can see as you go the things to disconnect.
Also when things are all disconnected it slides out to the left of the column without undoing that too.
Done it 5 times for stuff here and there.

I might still have to pull the cluster as I have dropped the right most bulb and socket somewhere in the column brackets.
I put white leds in the other 2 sockets but the blue caps inside the cluster dim the leds too much so I'll probably want to remove them.
I'm not sure how I did it but, without taking out the cluster, I managed to replace the 3 lighting bulbs, remove the faulty oilpressure and brake warninglights, AND re-install the pass.side turnsignal bulb, as that was the one that had fallen earlier.
I did drop the large column-bracket, which gave me some more room to manouvre my hands up into the dash.
Since I've got an oilpressure gauge in the car the pressure light wasn't in use. I do want to get the brake-light working again.

Were you asking me that question? I'm not sure what you mean by that.