How to hotrod SB mopars book


1966 dart wagon

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
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Sioux Falls, SD
Well i am going to be getting a 340 here soon down the road for the cuda :thumbup: i cant wait, but i was wondering should i buy the:

How to hotrod SB mopar Engines

I am currently in a engine rebuilding class and have access to a head machine(does valve grinds and such) And we were discussing all the torques and such of an engine and why the are important now i know this is a thing that can make or break an engine, and such. Now i wanna build a pretty hoped up 340, mostly for crusing and the ocasional race here and there. Any suggestions on books or literature i can read to more inform me of this. I will always post questions on here also, you guys are so good with the questions it just makes me speechless haha :angel9: . Thanks guys :thumbup:

Take in mind this will be my first engine tear down(besides the couple of basic things in the class).
That book was helpful to me...
But trust me the more you talk to the more advice you get. Figure out what you want, what do you want to use it for, and go with it, it's your engine.
Also, the Mopar Performance "A" engine book is good and also the "How to build big inch mopar small blocks" is a good book. Either one is available at Mancini Racing I think.
There is a book written by Larry Shepherd (former mopar engineer) that concerns itself with small block mopars. How to Hot Rod small block mopars - HP Books 797. Excellent resource, this is the same one you posted the link for.

The mopar performance books are quite good as well.

Hot Rod published another book on the same topic along with a 2nd book of reprints from their magazine articles over the last 30 years too. The reprint book is kind of cool because of the age of the articles - makes for some interesting reading.

All useful in one way or another.
In my very honest opinion, seeing that your in school and class on engines, a better book to start with and end with would be in this order;

How to rebuild my S/B MoPar

How to Hotrod my S/B Mopar

The Mopar Performance "Engines" book, that now comes in seperate engine sizes, a different one for Magnum motors.

The Big inch book, after reading the above 3, for me, turned into a "Hey, looky looky at these parts" book. The info inside was very good, but like all books, out dated by the time it hits print and picks up selling speed.

Theres no great detail inside this book. And it's a shame. It would have been better if he picked up where Larry Shepard left off in his book. (How 2 hot rod above) And gave actuall part numbers and instances and pictures of them.

While he does give enuff details that a person that has done a few engine rebuilds can use and understand, actuall bennifit(s) of the book go to expr. builders and hot rodders (DIY'ers or thinkers in theroy) that are looking to really up grade.

I believe machinest's / engine builders will love it. If they like doing something different and/or challenging.

4 out of 5 star rating. Must have? You can go fast with how to hot rod though some parts are really old, if even still made. The only problem with these books sometimes is the author seems to pedal someone parts rather than the best part sometimes.
I actually built my 360 out of the how to hotrod small block mopars book, that and an old chiltons manual. It was my first total rebuild and I did it alllllllllll myself. I was in H.S. then. The only thing I didnt like about it was that it has you do a few technical things and didnt explain them much so I was in the dark sometimes. But it doesnt say it is a book for beginners anyhow. Regardless It has some great basic break downs for what type of motor you will be building in the back. I think it would be a great book to have on hand while building!!!! PS my 360 goes like H&ll still! and I havent had any problems. lata