


New Member
May 5, 2007
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I finally joined the site after lurking for quite a while. It really seems like a real nice place and I am glad to finally be joining in the fun.

Im almost 22 and live in the San Diego area. Im currently a student (soon to be at UCSD). I have a '65 Valiant with a 225 that has been very good to me so far, which I bought about a year ago and a half ago.

Well, thats about it, I look forward to learing alot and wasting way too much time talking about Mopars.
Welcome! Nice to have ya!

Check out the chat room!!! ... Few of us diehards are there allmost nightly.
Welcome dude :salute:

Welcome !
Glad you found this great site.
This is a great place to waste time, but you'll make friends and gain a lotta knowledge in the process, win-win to me!
Hey thanks everyone! I actually am from Antioch, and I have many friends who say Ni :toothy7:
As for pictures, Ill get some up for sure, but she aint exactly photo ready at the moment if you know what I mean, Ill hopefully change that fairly soon now that schools done for now. Im also not too sure about gas mileage, I just fill it up when it gets low. Ill probably start keeping a closer track now that gas prices are what they are. I can drive to school (about 20 min on freeway) and back on about a quarter tank so, its not too bad.
And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the
Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt
be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be
three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting
that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number
three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand
Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall
snuff it.'

:) Welcome!
"ARTHUR throws the grenade at the RABBIT. There is an explosion and cheering from the KNIGHTS."

Welcome aboard! Sounds like a great ride. I'm new here as well, but I'm feeling very welcome. Lets see some pix!

Welcome !!!!!

I understand UCSD is a perfect place to study with absolutely no partying going on there. :thumbup: :toothy7:

A few people on here have some slant cars,should be the perfect car to get you through college.Bought mine originally to throw my board in a cruise through Malibu canyon.One summer I started cleaning the car up,and now she is a show car !!!!!!!
Have fun with it !!!!!!!

Again welcome !!!!!!

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