Hows everybody doing?

NE Fl, commercial super; no work since early December.
Was commercial project mgr for 8 years before starting my own company. Shopping centers, office buildings, churches mainly. Now only companies hiring around here right now want a PE with 10 years experience. Now I don't even qualify to be considered for a job I did for 8 years.
Doesn't sound like we are doing so good yet, better now for some not for others, it's bad still.
Blame?Politicions? I would like to know why it is that people think that the real rich people shouldn't help pull us out of this, they have the least to loose and have made the most in the past and will benifit the most when we recover. Now they are just passing the cost on to me, the little guy. I don't really care if they pay more taxes, I am paying double for everything I buy and they are still sitting fat. As for Obama at least he's trying to help us, thats more than I can say for W. All the republicans want to do is say no to everything and offer nothing but making the rich more money! I don't want the rich asses money, I just want them to help us all get out of this without bitchin and I will make my own. Now that this has become political I wish the mods would remove it, I just don't want to hear the bashing any more. I want to hear answers, it's way above my pay grade.
sorry for the rant, I know it doesn't help
I don`t want to blame any politicians for our current state of affairs, there`s a special forum just for that. I do believe that we (Americans) have strayed away from what made us strong economically and that is manufacturing. Our economy is based way too much on the service industry and not enough on the production of quality durable goods. We need to put people back to work making anything and everything and restore faith in the made in U.S.A. label.
Business is sh*t, may have to go back to working a regular job (if there are any??), something I haven`t done for 15 years.

Here here ... c'mon you workin guys, send me some parts dang it. LOL Please don't make me go back to working for lawyers again. Ughhhhhhhhhh

Seriously, I hope things pick up for everybody. This economy sucks.
Doesn't sound like we are doing so good yet, better now for some not for others, it's bad still.
Blame?Politicions? I would like to know why it is that people think that the real rich people shouldn't help pull us out of this, they have the least to loose and have made the most in the past and will benifit the most when we recover. Now they are just passing the cost on to me, the little guy. I don't really care if they pay more taxes, I am paying double for everything I buy and they are still sitting fat. As for Obama at least he's trying to help us, thats more than I can say for W. All the republicans want to do is say no to everything and offer nothing but making the rich more money! I don't want the rich asses money, I just want them to help us all get out of this without bitchin and I will make my own. Now that this has become political I wish the mods would remove it, I just don't want to hear the bashing any more. I want to hear answers, it's way above my pay grade.
sorry for the rant, I know it doesn't help

I'm sorry for turning this thread political, my bad. After I posted I realized what might happen, again my bad. I posted early in the morning before my meds., so I did not think or read clearly. It appears we all are feeling this down time in one form or another. Sorry for my actions Vic Storm and everyone else. Peace to all.
I wish someone would define where "rich" begins. The government could take everything from every millionaire in the country and make not the slightest dent in what the government just authorized for spending in the "stimulus bill" and the next budget. Look it up. Do you now feel better knowing this?

The economy is dependent on money being spent, i.e. changing hands.

How about this hypothesis:

I am the supreme ruler. I want to help the poor. I have no morals. I will tax the poor at 100% of their earnings.

I am the supreme ruler. I want to help the poor. I have no morals. I will tax the rich at 100% of their earnings.
No Homecloned, no appoligy necesery, I should say sorry for ranting and saying anything bad about rich people, I'm just jealous I guess. Maybe Rush Limpballs is right, that Obama needs to fail and we all go down the toilet. I have no answers. I hope that everybody gets back to normal soon.
I do believe that we (Americans) have strayed away from what made us strong economically and that is manufacturing...We need to put people back to work making anything and everything and restore faith in the made in U.S.A. label.

That is a LARGE part of it. Not too long ago, whenever anyone talked about Japanese technology, it was radios and TV's. And when anyone talked about AMERICAN technology, it was breaking the sound barrier, putting a man on the moon and then bringing him back home. Not so much the case anymore is it?