humming sound



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnnati, Ohio
Got a question but don't know it it's really a concern. Ever since my rebuilt 318 has been back in my Duster I have noticed a slight humming/whinning sound at low crusing speeds. It's only while my foot is steady on the gas pedal but goes away immediatley when I let off. I always thought it sounded cool and never looked at it as a problem. It's been doing it since this past May. Is this anything to be concerned about? Is it coming from my rear-end or transmission? What does everyone think? Any info is appreciated. Thanks!

Oh yeah the trans has been rebuilt and is a 904 auto. The rear end is the stock 8 1/4 with 2.76 open that will be upgraded this spring.
I always (even at my advanced age) love getting a hummer, oh you mean your car is humming well that's different. Start out by checking that your u- joint clamps at the pinion yoke are tight and that the u-joints don't have any play in them. Next I'd lift the back tires off the ground, put good stands under the rear end and see if the humming is still there. The humming/whineing could be coming from the front end. If it's in the rear end and it's serious like bearings or mesh it probably would have gotten worse since May like a grinding sound. Essentially a lite humming or whineing is not always serious as far as the rear is concerned.

Yeah its got a Humi.
You'll probably have to geter up on a lift and hunt it down.
A trans funnel makes a good "poor mans" stethiscope.
Or just a piece of rubber hose if there's any chance someone would pour trans fluid in your ear. LOL
You could ask if it would like some cheese with that whine...