Husband attacks his wife with a McChicken sandwich



FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
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Chicago, Illinois
(CNN) -
In Iowa, a man has been charged with domestic assault after he threw a McChicken sandwich at his wife.

According to the police report, 21-year-old Marvin Ellis was awoken from a nap by his wife who gave him a McChicken sandwich.

Ellis said he didn't want the sandwich and threw it at his wife, according to the police report.

Ellis then began to record the incident when his wife then knocked the phone out of his hand, scratching him.

Once police arrived on the scene Ellis was arrested and taken into custody on charges of domestic simple assault.

I'd tossed that McNugget sammich back at her too!! Go make me a real sammich!!! :violent1:
(CNN) -
In Iowa, a man has been charged with domestic assault after he threw a McChicken sandwich at his wife.

According to the police report, 21-year-old Marvin Ellis was awoken from a nap by his wife who gave him a McChicken sandwich.

Ellis said he didn't want the sandwich and threw it at his wife, according to the police report.

Ellis then began to record the incident when his wife then knocked the phone out of his hand, scratching him.

Once police arrived on the scene Ellis was arrested and taken into custody on charges of domestic simple assault.


Joey,I saw the headline on my cell,a couple hours back. Just started laughing.... How long before Micky-D's gets sued for a selling a weapon? (Meant as a joke,folks....).
Wow Which Ellis was arrested? The chicken or the fish?
Worse yet, he lost his gun privilege over this.
Apparently 21-year-old Marvin Tramaine Hill II hates McChicken sandwiches… A lot.

Des Moines police recently arrested Hill for simple domestic assault after “reportedly using a McDonald’s McChicken sandwich as a weapon against his pregnant wife” because “he doesn’t like them.”

When the cops showed up at his house, Hill’s wife reportedly had mayonnaise on her face and shirt, and Hill admitted he had thrown the sandwich at her after she woke him up with it around 1 p.m. and an argument ensued.

His wife claimed Hill smashed the bun in her face. She had gone to the bathroom to clean herself up, but Hill followed her, antagonizing her and recording her with his cell phone which she later knocked out of his hands.

According to The Des Moines Register, “Police noted that the woman’s nose was swollen and believed Hill was trying to entice the woman into knocking the phone out of his hands to make her appear aggressive, the report stated. Hill was arrested and his weapons permit was confiscated.”

The McDonald’s McChicken… The preferred weapon of choice!

If this sounds like a ridiculous argument between a young married couple that maybe just got a little out of hand, that’s because it probably was. Was Hill’s wife truly “assaulted” with the McChicken sandwich? Maybe in a technical sense.

But on the only serious note you can find here, it’s that last line that stood out in the article and made this whole thing worth mentioning.

Hill threw a McChicken sandwich at his wife and had his weapons permit confiscated over it.

While many laws do exist in regards to domestic assault and limiting an aggressor’s access to firearms (and thus his ability to potentially shoot his significant other), this is a pretty clear indication that even laws which may have good intentions end up on the slippery slope to rights abuses.

Do you think this man really considered that his 2nd Amendment rights might be essentially revoked if he got mad, threw a little mantrum and hurled a chicken sandwich at his wife? Does getting mad enough to throw a chicken sandwich at your wife automatically mean you might get mad enough to shoot her, so you shouldn’t be allowed to have your gun permit?

It’s as if police in this country will find basically any reason to take away someone’s guns or access to them… Meanwhile, citizens die at the hands of cops all the time and those guys hardly ever even lose their jobs over it. Take a look at the Eric Garner case, where a man was choked to death by an officer the grand jury has failed to indict, simply because Garner was selling untaxed cigarettes on the street.

The whole thing may sound utterly ridiculous (because it is), but you might want to think about it next time you get mad enough to throw something.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

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It’s as if police in this country will find basically any reason to take away someone’s guns or access to them…-gets-gun-permit-confiscated

It IS like that, not "as if" except it's not the police making the laws.
But nobody listens, or takes the time to do anything about it.

Now, a woman's point of view.
I told my wife about this and she said "If you can't trust him with a chicken sandwich, how is anyone expected to trust him with guns?"

Oh boy. :)
There are people in this country with guns checking the air in our tires. We are screwed.
If a mcnugget sandwich pushes him over the edge he doesn't need a gun.

The shakenfry wagon! New sponsor look for NASCAR?

Drive by mc chicken!

Look at that grill!

They have the brail menu! Explains the very deep fried paint.

Reverse drive through where alleged weapons grade sandwich was purchased, more details coming at 11.

Dad his exhaust smells like fries!

Painted at the dollar menu shop.

Donation box is missing from under the window.

All I want for Christmas is..........

I wonder what song it plays while open for business.

License, registration, insurance and business license please sir.

What is the toy today in the happy meal?

So many so little space. How will this one end?

That photo needs to go in the add a caption thread 4 sure.
So will there be demonstrations across the country if the arresting officer doesn't get indicted?
So will there be demonstrations across the country if the arresting officer doesn't get indicted?

no, this person had a CPL and therefor doesn't qualify for the leftist defense
The shakenfry wagon! New sponsor look for NASCAR?

Drive by mc chicken!

Look at that grill!

They have the brail menu! Explains the very deep fried paint.

Reverse drive through where alleged weapons grade sandwich was purchased, more details coming at 11.

Dad his exhaust smells like fries!

Painted at the dollar menu shop.

Donation box is missing from under the window.

All I want for Christmas is..........

I wonder what song it plays while open for business.

License, registration, insurance and business license please sir.

What is the toy today in the happy meal?

So many so little space. How will this one end?

That photo needs to go in the add a caption thread 4 sure.

:toothy1:I make myself laugh!!!!!
Just goes to show how it is ALWAYS an indaviduals intent to harm, not the object at "fault". Or im wrong and itsthe really the pencils made me dislexic, the skateboard broke my led, and toyota made me drive into a pole. Not to saythe "gunand control" isint abad thing, proficency is neccesary to neutralize a threat efficiently. Im more in favor of like what the swiss approach to gun control is ,just like your tax ID and passport, each indavidual (or taxable family) is issued a seriesl numbered AK varient. We forget to fast how easy it is for an unarmed people to be taken advantage of. Weither that weapon is knowledge, or lead we must cling to both like or freedom depends on it.