I Can't Help.....

Dang chisellers,

We get them here in the yard all the time.

"$40, the guy down the road says he'd sell one for $25", then why don't you buy one there? "He doesn't have any". Well, if I didn't have any, I'd sell you one for $20 :yawinkle:.

I'm gonna have to remember that one..:sign5:
Me gotsee twice pipes all the way back to da booty!!!

Me gotsee twice pipes all the way back to da booty!!!
I will when I have 265 hp /motor.
But a nice set of rolling pipe to one 2 1/2 will tune up good till the hp time come's :cheers: A sleeping / that moves good and breaths correctly for my little 390 cfm carb. Then just uncap for the taller cam and head work.
Man I gotta get in on this one. How bout you help your buddies by selling them a part for just about free or take a whole Saturday to help them but let you need the favor returned oh hell different story.
I can totally relate to that 1. I still will help a friend or family member in need but when I am planning on doing something I ALWAYS figure that I will be going it alone. Saves a lot of aggrevation from being let down by someone and the delay of waiting on people that dont show.
Went to a motorcycle swapmeet last Sunday in OKC. Go evey other month to feed my other monkey. Had a front and rear master cylinder and a clutch pearch in hand, asked the guy "Whadda ya take" he comes back, "Make an offer". Typical swap meet speel. I say "How about $40 bucks?" He leans over and says "How 'bout $30?" Needless to say I gave him exact change and went on my way, then I changed my shorts. Never have I been undercut "buying" a part. I went and donated some $ to the kids raffeling off a quilt for their team trip to the playoffs. How 'bout that?
Small Block,do you have a pond in that field of dreams?Next time someone try,s to undercut you,tel,em to go jump in that pond over yonder!Might help take some stress of ya!
Went to a motorcycle swapmeet last Sunday in OKC. Go evey other month to feed my other monkey. Had a front and rear master cylinder and a clutch pearch in hand, asked the guy "Whadda ya take" he comes back, "Make an offer". Typical swap meet speel. I say "How about $40 bucks?" He leans over and says "How 'bout $30?" Needless to say I gave him exact change and went on my way, then I changed my shorts. Never have I been undercut "buying" a part. I went and donated some $ to the kids raffeling off a quilt for their team trip to the playoffs. How 'bout that?

That is pure class from the vendor. 8) Good on you for slipping a sawbuck in donation jar.