I don't care for Wal-Mart



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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SE Kansas
I'm tired of providing the Chinese a living and out-sourcing our manufacturing. Their not-so-fresh produce has a fridg life of 5...4...3...ROT!!

Oh and their new check policy is so....so......Orwellian.
Pick up a the new National Geographic, it has a piece on the Chinese and how fast they are growing and getting rich, well some are, the rest, (the real people) are working for as basically slave labor @ $.40 hr it's pretty bad.

I will not shop at "Walmart" or "Sam's Club" for anything!! My wife had a class in college and one thing they studied was how Walmart is running small town shops out of business and how they ruin the economy!! My wife refuses to ever go there!
Wal-Mart is nothing more than a product of this society. They don't run small shops out of town...it's not like they send thugs to the store and chase customers away....and to be honest anything that some liberal college professor told me would go in one ear and out the other because most of them don't understand or like a free market society and thing communism is the greates thing ever. Wal-Mart is a huge coporation that has un-matched buying power from their suppliers cause of the volume of material they move off the shelves. People in this country want everything cheap....well you want the cheap stuff so you fed the giant and now you have to deal with it.....don't like them...don't shop there but don't look down on people that can't afford to buy their stuff elsewhere. If Wal-Mart was shut down there would be millions out of jobs and just be another company that would take their place. I shop there and I used to work there and I have no problem with them. Wal-Mart donates to local organzations and allows the Salvation Army bell ringers to be on their premisis....that's a lot more than I can say than for places like Target. I don't do all my shopping there but I can't go grocery shopping anywhere else in my town and get everything for cheaper....one reason why is all the other grocery stores are union and are very high priced and are struggling to stay open. Wanna know the real reason there is such a hate Wal-Mart campaign.....they won't let the union in. The Union doesn't give two ***** about the empolyees in those stores all they see is how much money that copperation makes and they aren't getting a percentage of it. I used to work there and I got paid a fair wage for stocking shelves and after my 90 days I was offered the company heath insurance pacakge......I worked 3rd shift to get through college.
Dusterb318 said:
Wal-Mart is nothing more than a product of this society. They don't run small shops out of town...it's not like they send thugs to the store and chase customers away....and to be honest anything that some liberal college professor told me would go in one ear and out the other because most of them don't understand or like a free market society and thing communism is the greates thing ever. Wal-Mart is a huge coporation that has un-matched buying power from their suppliers cause of the volume of material they move off the shelves. People in this country want everything cheap....well you want the cheap stuff so you fed the giant and now you have to deal with it.....don't like them...don't shop there but don't look down on people that can't afford to buy their stuff elsewhere. If Wal-Mart was shut down there would be millions out of jobs and just be another company that would take their place. I shop there and I used to work there and I have no problem with them. Wal-Mart donates to local organzations and allows the Salvation Army bell ringers to be on their premisis....that's a lot more than I can say than for places like Target. I don't do all my shopping there but I can't go grocery shopping anywhere else in my town and get everything for cheaper....one reason why is all the other grocery stores are union and are very high priced and are struggling to stay open. Wanna know the real reason there is such a hate Wal-Mart campaign.....they won't let the union in. The Union doesn't give two ***** about the empolyees in those stores all they see is how much money that copperation makes and they aren't getting a percentage of it. I used to work there and I got paid a fair wage for stocking shelves and after my 90 days I was offered the company heath insurance pacakge......I worked 3rd shift to get through college.

I will have to agree :wav:
I will have to agree
I agree. Wal-Mart is a product of our own insatiable appetite for lower prices on everything we, (meaning the American consumer) purchase. Lots of small towns closed up because "I can get it cheaper some where else".

Now its comming home to bite us in the butt, in the form of lost jobs, lower wages, and less spending power, and less in pocket left over income, to spend at the at the descresion (sp) of the consumer.

I know I can't buy car parts for my cars as freely as I use to.


Dave C.
Flatlander is not blaming anyone for the way wal*mart is he is just saying he doesn't like the way wal*mart is.

There's a Super WalMart less than 1/2 a mile from my house. I don't shop there though. Not so much because I hate WalMart but because I hate crowds. I don't care if I pay twice as much as long as I don't have to be subjected to the hordes.
Guitar Jones said:
There's a Super WalMart less than 1/2 a mile from my house. I don't shop there though. Not so much because I hate WalMart but because I hate crowds. I don't care if I pay twice as much as long as I don't have to be subjected to the hordes.

Same here Guitar Jones. I go to our locally owed TSC {Tractor Supply Co}
They have it all for me and the dog's and house hold item's.
same here memike. They opened up a TSC thats basically on my way home from work.
I'm in there once or twice a week. I used to shop at Walmart quite abit, but I also cannot stand crowds. espeacialy when you get those ankle biting grocery carts and you just want to turn around and send the cart flying.
I really don't like going to Wal-mart either.... Trying to get down the aisle can be a pain. :cussing: I was there today.. Why??? Only cause it's the closest store to me with everything I needed to buy in one stop. :angry4: Home-Depot right next store... Needed something there too. :axe: It's about 7 miles to the store(s)... (Yean sorta nowhereville)... My truck gets 18 MPG so figure a rough $2.25 to get there n' back. Had I, needed to "Chase" around town getting everything I needed... I could have easily used 4X the fuel... So in that light Wal-mart's not all bad ](*,) That said I gotta "relax" and go work on the car..... :rambo: What can I say in some ways it works :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
wal mart i have to agrea that it is a product of us wanting things cheaper and cheaper. now i also have found that you get what you pay for. i have shopped at wal mart and found things there that noone else carried. but i have also seen what happens to the down town off a small town when wal mart comes to town.

now if wal mart goes out of business lots of people will loose there jobs i also agrea with that. though what about all the people that loose there jobs due to all of use not shopping at the mom and pop shop down town. if we continue to skip down town then it will start to die off, this includes the shops, resturants, and almost everything. we got to see this happen in dawson creek over about 3 years, now the people of dawson creek started to realize what was happening and started and started to shop in town again. they also continued to shop at wal mart so i think that there is a happy medium.

as for the union grocery stories the pay is not that great i was making 8.50 cnd an hour which is not all that high in the same area mcdonald and a&w were paying 10-12 dollars an hour to start. now it turns out that at 32 years of age i have to meny life expireses to work for either of them. so safway it was well i went to school.

thats just my 2cents
I call it Walleyworld - love it. Buy all my oil there, among other things. I work shifts, so I just drop in once or twice a month on a weekday morning. The place is practically empty.
66340SEDAN said:
I will not shop at "Walmart" or "Sam's Club" for anything!! My wife had a class in college and one thing they studied was how Walmart is running small town shops out of business and how they ruin the economy!! My wife refuses to ever go there!

Well the three Walmarts that have gone in in my area have spawned all kinds of small business to open around them. The closest one had a package store and hardware store on one corner and a farm stand on the other. The folks that owned the farm stand sold to Wallmart. Now the package store has doubled in size, there is a gas station, 4 restaurants, video store, dry cleaners, 2 pizza/sub shops, travel agent, insurance company, exercise club and a medical center. The only business to go out of business was a Hardware store and it didn't deserve to survive after the son took over. The other two have had similar growth around them.

Also, two of the Walmarts host cruise nights and the one near me has grown to be one of the two biggest in the area with up to 700 cars on a nice Friday evening. Walmart provides the club with car care products free every week to give away to the participants. They also, provide burgers, dogs and soda and provide the equipment and people to cook the food. All the proceeds (Wallmart donates the food) raised go to the car clubs charities. Last year between the sale of food and the 50/50 raffle the club raised $22,000.00. All three Walmarts allow their property to be used by local scouts, schools, charities for fund raisers.

From my view Walmart has been very good for the community. The only down side has been the increase in traffic.
From what I see, people that bash Wal Mart are generally pro Union and people that like Wal Mart are looking for low prices or a job situation. Just my two cents.

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340mopar said:
Flatlander is not blaming anyone for the way wal*mart is he is just saying he doesn't like the way wal*mart is.



I,m no socialist/communist, just a realist. Wal-Mart does what they do very well, it's just the evolving economic environment over the last 20 years that has allowed things to become as they are. WTO, GATT, NAFTA, CBI, and most of all MFN trading status for China(1996?) has had a great impact on our economy. Sure it's kept prices low, but at what cost? Clinton and Congress touted the trade deal with China as being of mutually beneficial, billions in trade between both countries, but it never happened. The same can be said about the other countries we trade with and at the same time their standard of living has yet to rise to allow them to buy our products which are being outsourced at an ever greater rate. We are evolving into a service economy but even that is being exported.

I guess from my perspective every country has it's own social and economic environment, unique unto itself, let's recognize that and take care of it. The "New world order" and a 'rising tide raises all boats' is a neat concept but it doesn't work when most of the boats have holes in them.

Just my two cents for now.
Guitar Jones said:
There's a Super WalMart less than 1/2 a mile from my house. I don't shop there though. Not so much because I hate WalMart but because I hate crowds. I don't care if I pay twice as much as long as I don't have to be subjected to the hordes.

A trip to WalMart can ruin a perfectly good mood for me.....
It's not just Wal-mart that gets there products from China i work for the distribution center of one of the big home improvement chains i have yet to see anything come in that's made in the U.S. everything that comes in is either from China or Indonesia and another country i can't remember right now.
My turn to bash wal*mart.

What I hate the most, and this is not just limited to wal*mart but they are the worst offenders, probably only because they are the busiest. They has 30 check outs and only 4 open so I have to wait 20 mins or more to check out. You should never, ever have to wait to have your money taken from you! I understand that cheap pricing 99 times out of 100 means cheap quality but it doesn't have to mean they can't have more people on the check outs. Those stores are crawling with bodies and they could move someone over from stocking shelves and check out when needed. It's called cross training and being they are non-union there is no excuse for not doing it. Being I am management have done so for 20 some years it is solely managements fault not the workers. I cross train most all of my people to take up stack when we have holes in service to plug, it has to be done. Think about the amount of money wal*mart could make if they had the right people running the show? An employee is only as good as the manager that works with them.

There are exceptions to every rule and I know that there are some managers there that get it and are good but I am also sure they are just as frustrated as the customer or I am.

Whats up with having 22 registers, & only having 5 open at any given time. It seems that 2 of the 5 are the 10 items or less. It doesn't matter if the line is backed up to Electronics or not.
Ah, the great Wal-mart debate... Personally I hate them and everything they stand for, but then again they've run damn near everything else in my area out of business, so what's a guy to do? My girlfriend just left to go there, and asked me if I needed anything. The Wal-Mart philosophy is to come into an area and underprice everybody else until they go belly up and Wal-Mart is the only game in town. Then they raise the prices higher than they ever were in the stores that they ran out of business. They don't care if it takes years to accomplish, as long as they control the entire market in the end. It's basically the Japanese business model. They lost money on EVERY SINGLE cheap TV and transistor radio that they sold here in the 70's and 80's so that they could underprice the American competition. The American consumer fell for it. So tell me class, how many TV's or radios were made in America last year?? Give up?? Exactly ZERO. The same with watches, clocks, and almost every other electronic device you can name. We have ONE machine tool company left to the best of my knowledge, that would be Prince Industries in Holland, Michigan. If anybody else is producing industrial machine tools in this country I don't know who they are. Steel mills, mostly gone. And the ones left in this part of the country are owned by the Japanese. What used to be Armco Steel has been AK steel for years. The Japanese are smart, you have to give them that. An American CEO must produce a profit NOW, or he's out of there. A Japanese CEO doesn't have to produce a profit this DECADE if he can assure the company of domination of the market in the end. And Wal-Mart has learned this lesson well. As long as Sam Walton was alive, it didn't work like that. Once he was gone, all bets were off. That's when Wal-Mart started slashing benefits for workers and doing away with full time employees in favor of more part time employees who don't have to be paid benefits. That's when they started selling things in the stores that old Sam wouldn't, like music with lyrics that he considered to be immoral and etc. A few weeks ago Wal-Mart signed an agreement with a gay and lesbian "chamber of commerce" to try and cater more to the interests of homosexuals. It's just words, but old Sam would have had a fit. Our local Wal-mart will let the Salvation Army and the local veteran's groups and so on stand outside and collect, but they don't sponser much of anything else around here. They used to, but for some reason they don't anymore. And our new SUPER Wal-Mart is due to open next month. So now they'll run the local tire shops and oil change businesses out as well as a couple of local grocery stores that are already just barely scraping by. Years ago when our local Wal-mart plaza was built, a grocery store called Festival Foods was on the lot. It was built at the same time. The owner of Festival and Wal-Mart signed an agreement that if Festival would occupy the space, that Wal-Mart would not sell groceries. A few years go by, and Wal-Mart starts selling groceries. The owner of the grocery store compained, then took them to court. He won, they paid a couple of million dollars, and still ran him out of business. And wrote the lawsuit losses off their taxes. Amazing, isn't it? All in all, I consider Wal-Mart to be an immoral organization, and believe me they're going to bite us all in the butt before the American people figure it out.
A customer standing around waiting to be checked out is a customer who may "remember something else" they needed, thus causing them to purchase more. Same reason some traffic lights are designed to change even though there are no vehicles coming from the cross traffic, because some business there "wants" you to sit at that light and glance around and maybe realize you "need" something from one of them.

May said customer be "upset" they had to wait? Yes. Will that stop them from shopping there again? 98% of the time, no, they will tend to be "understanding" that there were "just not enough checkers to handle the load that time".

Are Wal-Mart managers frustrated, I don't think so. Are they trained how to "manipulate" all of you to buy and spend in their store, training that is backed up by those seemingly innocuous "questionnaires and surveys"? Yes.
The only thing I remember standing there is that I am getting pissed. The last two times I ask to see the manager and when she showed up I told her how long I had to wait and told her to put my cart away with the items because I was leaving. The last of the two times I did this I told her the next time it happens with food in my cart that is supposed to be kept at a certain temp I am going to call the State Health department.

The only reason I, being my wife shops there (she doesn't like it when I go with her because I ruffle feathers) is that they are the only game in town now because the other companies went belly up. I live in a very rural town with only 6,200 people so it was easy for them to chase off everyone.

Their business model is wrong if that is what they are teaching and their lack of same store growth is below industry standards is proof, and this is with being the largest or only store in my case.

To me it just depends. I generaly only buy stuff like medicine(pharmacy is cheaper by quite a bit than the local one) and Winchester White Box Ammo there for the Glock 23 $19.97 for a box of 100 where local places are ALMOST that for a box of 50(normaly about $14 for a box of 50 at the local gun shop) guess I have no problem with it if it saves me money. But im also one of those guys that normaly buys Honda,Toyota,Subaru becuase of their reliability and reslae over the american cars also...its not that american workers or comapnies cant make good cars or cars that could meet or exceed foreign ones..its the FACT that they(for the most part) REFUSE to do so by skimping on stuff.

Do I show at WalMart yeah, its it a "favorite" spot no not really but if im in the area I use it.

oh and unlike most ive NEVER had a problem with customer service or lines or anything else..if ANYHTING i commend them on their returm policy..i know its not right but sometimes after christmas if I get a double of a CD/DVD or something if I don't have the receipt I take it to WalMart and as long as they scan it and the barcode is in their system they have always taken it back...I KNOW FOR A FACT that some of the stuff was actually NOT even from WalMart and they still took it back for store credit..IMO thats a good deal!