I got a bad call



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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My 9 year old grandson was in pain in his gut so his mom took him to the Er and they sent him to children's hostipal in Dallas. They found cancer cells in some tests
Damn, prayers and thoughts heading your way.

I know a little girl here that went through something very similar, she ended up having a tumor the size of a softball in her belly.

After months of treatment I'm happy to say she is alive and well and no signs of it anymore.

Keep positive thoughts man.
Damn, that really sucks.

Best wishes for the all in the family.
It's bad enough that adults can have this sort of thing happen to them, but when it happens to kids, it just makes it all that much worse.

Get-well wishes and prayers headed your way!
Man that breaks my heart. I surely hope they get it all out and the kid has a good life.

Prayers sent.
So far they at Children Hospital said he has bile in his blood.Thats all the update I have and Thank you for your prayers and support
Prayers from here for sure. Very sad to hear this.
Hate to hear this... thinking of the little guy..
I have a 10 year old cousin that is going through cancer treatment now. I am praying for the both of them...
Prayers sent. I,d give everything I have for my grandkids. Its hell to feel helpless. I feel for ya.
Very saddening to read this...Cancer....what an evil thing...