I guess it had to happen eventually


'74 Sport

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Troy, TX
Late yesterday, I got a call from my son Aaron who is attending Texas A&M. He first assured me that he was OK, then said that some guy just ran a stop sign and drove his truck over the front end of Aaron's Dart Sport. Ever get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach?

For those of you who don't know, Aaron and I spent about three and a half years completely restoring his '74 Dart Sport we found in a salvage yard when he was 14 years old. It was his first and only car, being his daily driver for the past six years. Having never done anything like it before, restoring and customizing his car was made so much easier by taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge found here on this site. Many of you have been instrumental in the success and enjoyment of the "Dartster" project (half Dart and half Duster).

Until we get the insurance companies to settle, we won't know the future of the ol' girl. I haven't seen the damage in person, so I don't have a good feel for how bad it is. I'll probably go down this weekend and haul it back home for closer inspection.

I've seen several of you over the years post similar stories about your horror stories. I always sympathized with you for your loss, but never expected to be one who it would happen to. Just goes to show you that no one is safe from idiots.

We'll keep you posted on the outcome. Drive safe everyone.



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That sucks, sorry to hear that. I would try to fix it, sounds like a car with lots of sentimental value, glad your son is ok!
And it had to be a bother Dodge to take it out. The important thing is your son is OK. Just do your best to buy the car back from the insurance company if they total it, maybe I should say whan from the looks of it.
first thing they are gonna try to do is give you blue book on it and total it! make sure you have and pics during and after the resto... if it was appraised or won shows collect that info...

you need to be able to show it wasn't just a beater car... cuz thats what they are gonna try to do...
That sucks. Looks like it happened in a parking lot.

Actually, that's a big, wide intersection with a grass median. The guy tells Aaron, "Sorry, man, I didn't see you." Aaron says, "You couldn't see my bright yellow car with me laying on the horn?"

He called me today after he could see it in the daylight and said, "It doesn't look that bad." Uhhhh, looks kinda bad from where I'm sitting. Maybe it's time to resurrect the '74 Gold Duster project we started before he went off to college.
first thing they are gonna try to do is give you blue book on it and total it! make sure you have and pics during and after the resto... if it was appraised or won shows collect that info...

you need to be able to show it wasn't just a beater car... cuz thats what they are gonna try to do...

I hear ya... I'm already anticipating that. Aaron kept a spreadsheet on all expenses during restoration. We have lots of photos, and he has a shelf full of trophies and plaques from car shows.
the whole front end is junk now but, you can probably get a new one and put it on there. might be worse than i think though under the hood.
hay i we have a clip for her .. good thing ur son was ok ive been there .. where i had to call dad and tell him some one took out are baby .. fix her but make them pay for that .. the chick that hit me said damn near the same thing where did u come from ..
man that really sucks did your son call u before or after he was bailed out beating the tar out of mr maggoo how the hell do not see a yellow car like that sticks out like a school bus. glad he,s ok rebuild it u have the knowledge
how the hell do not see a yellow car like that sticks out like a school bus.
when I had my '66 Mustang (which I painted 1977 corvette yellow- about the brightest color ever) I used to get cut off about once a week.

like everyone else said, glad Aaron's ok...now fix that baby back up:thumrigh:
My 17yr old daughter just got into her first accident. Some old gal, who shouldn't even be on the road, pulled right out in front of her. I know that feeling your talking about.
Especially when she called me crying. Bottom line Aaron is ok. My daughter is fine as well.
Cars are just cars. They can either be fixed or replaced. What really matters is that our loved ones are ok.
Glad Aaron is OK. That's the only thing that really matters. The car looks fixable, though, as long as the frame isn't too wonky at the front.

But am I seeing things right? Is the guy talking to the cop in the bottom pic actually in cuffs?
Yes I can relate very well!
I believe yours can be repaired.
Long story made short had the car over 14 yrs.... dumb *** lady runs stop sign and t bones me.


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first thing they are gonna try to do is give you blue book on it and total it! make sure you have and pics during and after the resto... if it was appraised or won shows collect that info...

you need to be able to show it wasn't just a beater car... cuz thats what they are gonna try to do...

If you have all the receipts, you should be able to make them pay more. It's the insurance companie's responsibility to get your car back to the condition it was in before it was hit...if you can prove how much money you put into it.

Glad your son was ok.

I got hit on my 10 speed once in Detroit. Same thing, the guy said that, "I came out of nowhere." Are you kidding me? Freakin' Lance Armstrong cannot come out of nowhere on a bike IF YOU WERE PAYING ATTENTION!
You cannot "come out of nowhere" when riding a bike. This must be the new standard catch phrase for the guilty parties who cause accidents...

Good luck dealing with the insurance companies. That is gonna suck.

I hope you can fix the car like it was before it was hit.
I'm glad to hear Aaron is safe. Most of the damage looks like it can be repaired with body panels, bumper, grill, etc. As long as the frame wasn't tweaked you should be good to get it back in shape again.
.............Glad ur son is ok........that really sucks.........by the look of things u can prolly fix it.......good luck.....kim.......
There is a swap meet coming up in Conroe, TX on the 17th-19th of this month. It's a crap shoot with Mopar stuff, most times. If you are intersted, PM me and I'll get you the info.

Bill S.
Good to hear Aaron is ok, I wounder if they checked the dodge truck divers cell phone like they do here ??
I bet your hart did sink Jerry, and I agree that it could have been worse but that does look repairable and I hope the belly is still good and straight. Keep us updated..
Sorry about the new issue you have to deal with. At least your son is OK. Metal can be repaired.

A wise person once told me:

The only real problems any of us have are related to health - your own, your family's, and/or your friend's. All the other things we call "problems" are really just some new experiance that we would just a soon not have had to go through.

I know that statement sounds a bit corny and/or over simplified, but over the years I have reminded myself of this and it has made most of lifes problems a little easier to get through. Hope it will for you.

Ma Snart
Glad Aaron is OK. Sorry to see the car though. I remember all the work that was put into it, and it's a shame when some ignoramus causes something like this. They'll just patch theirs up and move on like it's no big deal..

Glad to here your son ok. Moron in truck probably texting or talking on phone how the hell could not see a bright yellow car but people run into bright yellow school buses with flashing lights all the time. Good luck fixing the car. Bill