I hate Christmas shopping

DRENO, You weren't with me. I had to be very cautious for fear the wife would catch me gaulking as some very fine mommies. Holy balls Batman. I even thought about going back by myself and just setting on the bench and enjoying "The Scenery". Only time better is on a hot summer day.
Small Block

I hear ya Small Block.:snakeman:Long while before it gets that hot here.:glasses7:
Dreno, you live in Winnipeg. You ought to be able to get all your shopping done at Princess Auto. Definately my fave and they have gift certificates!
Being serious I would shop at home online and do it months before xmas. I don't have much to buy being single (and love it by the way) so I really shouldn't complain. But no I don't have time for that... not that I'm lazy but I work all of time!!! Two weeks in a roll I have worked from 7:30 to 5 for seven days.

Everyone have a Merry Xmas if I don't get to you!!!!!!!!!!
I've bought 1 thing so far. an HDMI cable thats part of another gift for my folks. Luckily the best buy i was at had a small register for electronics. walked in, bought it, walked out and looked at the poor saps who are standing in a never ending line.

I guess i'll be the grinch here and just say that i really don't like Xmas at all. I really just don't get the gift giving part. Its the time of the year where you drain your bank account/blow up the credit card so you can give and recieve items you really don't need/don't want. It usually boils down to a rather pointless exchange of gift cards(for similar amounts) so now instead of having some money to buy some new headers, you're a bit short because X amount of money is committed to a store.

I'd rather it just be like thanksgiving. Get together with the family, eat like gluttons, and just have a good time.
Dreno, I agree, hate shopping. Here's an idea: plan a short trip for the two of you, someplace she would enjoy, even if just for the day or an evening out, write it down in a card for her, buy her flowers, make her feel really special. She will like that better than getting a present.
I'm done thank God. But, I do know what you mean. We were in one store my wife looked over at me said," If I get hit one more time with a buggy, I'm coming unglued." When she's that mad, it's time to go. People have no care anymore. Holiday spirit? Holiday chear? I don't neither of them exist today.
Dreno, you live in Winnipeg. You ought to be able to get all your shopping done at Princess Auto. Definately my fave and they have gift certificates!

Gryznyx,I don't know if you're married or gf but I don't think there is much for my wife at Princess auto.I agree,it's a great place and great prices.8)
Dave you DID NOT go to Polo Park today did you!!? Are you a sucker for punishment?:glasses9:

Yepper.No brain,no pain.I'm am so useless at shopping I just go where everybody else in the world seems to go.However I did do some Small Block "shopping" while I was there.:-D
I've bought 1 thing so far. an HDMI cable thats part of another gift for my folks. Luckily the best buy i was at had a small register for electronics. walked in, bought it, walked out and looked at the poor saps who are standing in a never ending line.

I guess i'll be the grinch here and just say that i really don't like Xmas at all. I really just don't get the gift giving part. Its the time of the year where you drain your bank account/blow up the credit card so you can give and recieve items you really don't need/don't want. It usually boils down to a rather pointless exchange of gift cards(for similar amounts) so now instead of having some money to buy some new headers, you're a bit short because X amount of money is committed to a store.

I'd rather it just be like thanksgiving. Get together with the family, eat like gluttons, and just have a good time.

Well Dartor,I agree with you on the getting together and I think Christmas is mostly for the kids.But I still get a charge,warm fuzzy feeling,or just real happy when I can get my wife something that really surprises her and that she really appreciates,like 2 years ago I replaced her lost wedding ring that was missing for 20 years.It took a while to pay it off but it was worth it.8)
Dreno, I agree, hate shopping. Here's an idea: plan a short trip for the two of you, someplace she would enjoy, even if just for the day or an evening out, write it down in a card for her, buy her flowers, make her feel really special. She will like that better than getting a present.

Ya know what goldie,that's a helluva idea!! I already bought her something this year but I may use that for her bday it's comin up Jan.20.Thanks for the idea,you old romantic you.8)
I'm done thank God. But, I do know what you mean. We were in one store my wife looked over at me said," If I get hit one more time with a buggy, I'm coming unglued." When she's that mad, it's time to go. People have no care anymore. Holiday spirit? Holiday chear? I don't neither of them exist today.

Amazing change once they hit the stores.I don't feel the pressure when I go shopping with my wife because all I do is follow her around like a lost dog.But when I have to get her gifts it kills me. Fortunately I am feeling good about Christmas this year thanks to some windfalls.8)
Glad to help Dreno. Time...when it's all said and done, time with our loved one means more than anything. I think you both will enjoy a special mini-vacation, to celebrate your recent good fortune.
The difference between men and women when shopping.


The difference between men and women when shopping.


Walmart will actually move things around ever so often so people have look for something rather than go straight to it. That way people more likely spend more money. Think about how many times they have moved sections around at your local Walmart.
DRENO, Your alot like myself. I push the cart and just follow along...when i'm not gaulkin. That's when i get caught. 95, you're right. Just last saturday i notice the electrical stuff had been relocated to where it never has been. Believe you me, it's a selling tactic. Watch em guys.........i mean the girls. I've got to go back this week to buy the guys some turkeys when they go on sale and i may use the same route the women use. After about 3 or 4 hrs i'll probably get a call from the wife to see if i've been in wreck. You guys and gals have a Merry Christmas.
Small Block