I hate winter!



Built, not bought
FABO Gold Member
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Menifee, California
My lawn is getting little brown spots!



My lawn is getting little brown spots!

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I worked at a golf course in Florida and we would send to Oregon for winter seed. Bermuda grass would go dormant and brown and just before that we would seed it with an evergreen crass. And then in the spring time the Bermuda grass would choke out the thinly established Evergreen grass and on would continue our cycle. LOL
I worked at a golf course in Florida and we would send to Oregon for winter seed. Bermuda grass would go dormant and brown and just before that we would seed it with an evergreen crass. And then in the spring time the Bermuda grass would choke out the thinly established Evergreen grass and on would continue our cycle. LOL
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you're not fishing with that picture are you ?
If ya' don't like brown spots come to New Hampshire for a visit . There's 4" of snow on the ground right now and still coming down . Up here , "We have 8 months of winter and 4 months of damn poor sleddin'". I have 4 acres of weeds to mow starting right after "mud" season . LOL !!!!!!
I know the feeling had to put on my winter long sleeve work shirt today high of 64 low of 55. Brrrr
Only going to reach a high of 77 today. ...burrrrr!

Don't need a calendar to tell me what time of the year it is.... Winter is cold and snowy, spring is rainy, summer is hot, fall has more colors than a crayon box.
Mine has white spots. :BangHead: Actually most of this melted off yesterday, but I suspect more will be on the way soon enough. Temps will certainly support it. Gonna drop into the teens next couple nights.
Don't need a calendar to tell me what time of the year it is.... Winter is cold and snowy, spring is rainy, summer is hot, fall has more colors than a crayon box.
We don't get colors.....that kinda sucks...

I migrate to the living room when winter begins. I move my TV and turn the recliner to face the Wood stove and TV’s new location.

A gigantic middle finger from me to the cold and snow.

Only I’m out of firewood, I’ve used up what I had set aside and a friend has yet to return my brand new chainsaw...

Gonna drop into the teens next couple nights.

Hey, it does that here in SoCal too! It got down to 14F where I was on November 10. Of course that was at about 6800' elevation in Big Bear Lake, CA. Only man-made snow on one of the ski runs.
Been snowing all day . 8" on the ground . Up here , firewood delivered log length is about $100 per cord . Cut, split and delivered is about $300.00 for dry and $200.00 for green . There's no advantage to using wood unless you have your own wood lot . Even then ALL your time is spent processing the stuff. I'm in my 70's , i'm NOT doing that .
Been snowing all day . 8" on the ground . Up here , firewood delivered log length is about $100 per cord . Cut, split and delivered is about $300.00 for dry and $200.00 for green . There's no advantage to using wood unless you have your own wood lot . Even then ALL your time is spent processing the stuff. I'm in my 70's , i'm NOT doing that .

I turn 30 in about 2 weeks. I’ve still got a few firewood cutting days left in me. It’s not bad for me (yet), getting up in the middle of the night to fill the wood stoves does get old though.

Cheaper than oil/gas/electric for me, since I live in the middle of nowhere with trees as far as the eye can see.
Mt. Washington , which is the tallest in the east has 21" of snow , 12*F., and winds of 80mph . I live about 40 miles away , as the crow flies . Wed don't get as much snow as the Rockies but I average about 120" per season . That's enough . Stay safe guys !
I have to say, your lawn needs help and it's not winters fault.
I have a ski hill across the road from me so they start making snow early as possible...all runs should be open real soon...maybe I should take up skiing...they do have an awesome tubing hill though :)

yup , I love Pennsylvania . I'm lucky , I use propane . I get a delivery once a year to an underground tank .. Got fuel assistance this year and our daughter helped . So, it'll cost me about $800.00 per year for heat, hot water and cooking . i'm blessed
I have a ski hill across the road from me so they start making snow early as possible...all runs should be open real soon...maybe I should take up skiing...they do have an awesome tubing hill though :)

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My Twister loved Sking, back when I used her as a daily driver. Didn’t matter if it was raining or snowing, I drove it.

Been snowing all day . 8" on the ground . Up here , firewood delivered log length is about $100 per cord . Cut, split and delivered is about $300.00 for dry and $200.00 for green . There's no advantage to using wood unless you have your own wood lot . Even then ALL your time is spent processing the stuff. I'm in my 70's , i'm NOT doing that .

I turn 30 in about 2 weeks. I’ve still got a few firewood cutting days left in me. It’s not bad for me (yet), getting up in the middle of the night to fill the wood stoves does get old though.

Cheaper than oil/gas/electric for me, since I live in the middle of nowhere with trees as far as the eye can see.
I have a wood stove in basement that can heat the whole house. Primary is heat pump/forced air and low temps the oil burner/hot water baseboard kicks in. I have bought some, but mostly burn wood I get free. I am 54. Don't mind cutting and moving it, but hand splitting is getting old as I get older. And not sure I will burn enough to justify cost of a splitter

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I have a ski hill across the road from me so they start making snow early as possible...

Nope! Not talking about a 'bunny hill'.
Here's the ski runs in Big Bear, SoCal...this is about 1.5 hours from Disneyland and about 2 hours from the beach if you'd rather surf.
