I met a new girlfriend



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
I really like her but there’s something about her that I can’t put my finger on that I don’t like about her. I’m sure I’ll figure it out on our first date Friday night.


Looks like a good place for MRSA to hang out.
:BangHead: Good grief!! I wear a nose hair trimmer out trying to prevent even having ONE! I don't know how they stood it long enough to even get the pics taken...lol
Maybe if you put your finger IN IT you could finger it out......
:BangHead: Good grief!! I wear a nose hair trimmer out trying to prevent even having ONE! I don't know how they stood it long enough to even get the pics taken...lol
Well I'm hoping they aint around here, because could you imagine them in a restaurant without fiddle fingering their nostrils?
I know what it is. It's her skinny neck. Very unattractive.
Back at first I thought it was the black hole she used to snort up all the cocaine and meth, so she can rob you blind! Hey, there's a big enough of a black hole ( in both of them) so she can store some extra, take it home, scrape her nostrils and feed it to her junky boyfriends that way they can all come and home invade you proper?
Don't choke your chicken!!!!!
Don't choke your chicken!!!!!
I don't know if you remember "blondie" back in the 70s? We can actually credit that Euro trash for inventing rap! Gee thanks Deborah Harry! Anyhow, the whole point is, Deborah Harry, Was pretty hairy, and if that lady is going to keep her nostrils like that, I'd be scared to have her anywhere near me or my family or even the Dog!