i need to get in contact with a fellow member



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Nicholson Georgia
i need to get in contact with 340plot aka joe i bought some rallye rims and the bumperettes off of the 72 dart he was parting out now before we all get up in arms he did let me make payments for them in which im very greatful as i was laid off awhile back when i finally paid off these items 130 bucks i asked him how much would be for shipping he replied 127 bucks so after acouple of weeks went by i kept him informed on my delay on shipping payment, bill's and family matters but the 3rd week i got him the full 127dollars for shipping weeks have gone by and still no rims or bumperettes the last time he wrote me was last sunday saying he was going to send them sat but it was alittle on shipping than he quoted me but not worry that he would cover it on monday when he got paid and get me a tracking number monday has come and gone and i've tried number of p.m.'s this is my 1st major purchase online as in over a hundred dollars my wife is pissed and probillay wont let me make another purchase online good deal or not , so thanks for that joe and if your out there i still need my rims and bumperettes, a tracking number or my money back 257.00 dollars

i'll go back and research 340plot as i do remember something about that name. Let me do some checking.
Small Block

I now remember. I bought a set of Blair spot weld drills from him. I sent him the money and he sent me the cutters. Cant get much simpler. I'll PM him for ya and see if i can get a positive response.
Small Block
I looked and seen that he sells sells sells here, so I would imagine he wont be long getting this business taken care of and chime in.

Thank you Small Block
I have a set of bumperettes from a 74 Duster for the front bumper. These are driver quality and I assume that these are the same as the Dart. You are welcome to have them for the cost of shipping. Let me know.
I have a set of bumperettes from a 74 Duster for the front bumper. These are driver quality and I assume that these are the same as the Dart. You are welcome to have them for the cost of shipping. Let me know.

They are different, a 72 Dart still has the skinny bumper like the 70, 71. Good on you though for offering.
too much...

this is fk'd up right here.

I suggested awhile back that we all start using PayPal.That way if someone gets burned,we can dispute it and get our cash back.Sending money order or check is too risky nowadays.I love being able to trust people and I know who I can trust on this site but there are some bad apples everywhere that ruin it.:angry7:
i bought the dash frame from him from the duster he was parting out / same story did not charge me enough for shipping and would ship when he got paid, he was not prompt in replying to my pm's but did however ship the frame / i have yet to see it as i am out of the country i did not give him any additional funds so if it did cost to ship what he said it cost him then he basically gave me the part
I dont know how quick your mail works, but I wouldnt get too worried yet, its only been a week. Life sometimes gets in the way of things, and maybe he cant reply to pm's. I remember seeing a lot of his posts for duster stuff he is selling. I would wait until wednesday. Hell I've been waiting about 3 weeks for exhaust manifolds. Im in no hurry as it isnt holding up the build. My seller has emailed me though. Thats the key, if things take a while, communicate.
I PM'd him last night but as of this morning i have no response. I'll keep ya posted on what and if i hear from him.
Small Block
i bought some slicks from another member who shipped promptly but it still takes ups a week to put them in my hands. if he sent them usps it may take up to 2 weeks depending on distance.
The shipping business is a funny thing seems to be no rhyme or reasons to delivery time schedules. That being said communication is very important part of buying or selling parts IMO.
I guess I should have added I bought parts from him and they were delivered as promised.He is not the fastest at returning PM's though:dontknow:
well i called him today or his wife he was too busy i told his wife who i was and what i purchased and that i still havent heard anything from him she asked me my name and number so i gave it to her maybe he'll call back
still needing to get this resolved!
sixpacmopar, I'd be pissed and tell him he should eat the cost of shipping. Not charging enuff for shipping is his fault.

I'd be real mad, he did the calulations!
Believe you me. If you called and talked to MY wife and told her this crap, she'd be on me like stink on crap. I'd have to get it right or live with total turmoil. That's what a GOOD wife does. This, i think, will work out, but will probably take its run of time.
Small Block
well 2nd attempt on calling the number just rang and rang left a message for him to get in contact with me really getting upset how do i see about going the legal route this has been too long
I suggested awhile back that we all start using PayPal.That way if someone gets burned,we can dispute it and get our cash back.Sending money order or check is too risky nowadays.I love being able to trust people and I know who I can trust on this site but there are some bad apples everywhere that ruin it.:angry7:

PayPal is absolutely no guarantee either. I've had 2 instances of being ripped off by guys that I paid via PayPal and I filed a complaint with PayPal in the allotted time and submitted everything PayPal asked for and never received a penny back. If the seller wipes out (or closes out) his bank account PayPal can't get it back and they won't pay you back if they can't get it back.
I hope your wheels arrive for 'ya Terry. Been waaaayyyy too many "deals gone wrong" here lately. Keep trying to contact via phone......Good Luck
First Jason, now Joe, what's up with people selling ralley rims lately.
Why people guesstamate the shipping cost with large items like rims makes no sense. The exact price to the cent should be given, just because you don't sell items for a living still doesn't mean you shouldn't do things in a professional business like manner. It you can't sell things properly then don't.
Communication with any transaction is just common courtesy.